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Like Rotting Hair Clogging Up the Drain

Image credit The BFD.

When nepotism determines the placement of important government positions, addressing cronyism becomes whack-a-mole. ‘Dad, you won’t need your sunhat where you’re going’, ‘The quack-quack bully goes to Ireland’ and ‘Who in the Mahuta clan wants another top paying government job?

Compare nepotism to rotting hair clogging up the shower drain and preventing good drainage. Eventually, someone has to clean out the stinky mess for the drain to function properly.

The outgoing mayor of Auckland was rewarded for his devotion to Ardern when she gifted him the cushy job of Commissioner to the UK in London when his mayoralty ends.

Goff didn’t hesitate to toady up to the princess of pestilence this week.

Mayor Goff says, “The traffic light system has helped Kiwis to manage the risk to themselves, their families, and our communities for nearly a year.”

After, and even prior to the invention of the traffic light system, there was no freedom of choice to manage Covid risk. Instead, there was coercion under threat of losing your job and being alienated from loved ones and friends, goaded into treating the non-compliant as a ‘river of filth’ as Michael Wood described them.

Prevented from returning home from overseas for any reason including seeing loved ones before they died, we were locked down, masked, vaccinated and infamously instructed on one occasion not to speak to our neighbours over the fence.

The non-compliant were banned from socialising, visits to the hair salon and eating out.

Goff’s version of freedom surely belongs to the mythical nation of “Aotearoa” rather than the draconian NZ we came to despise over the last two and a half years.

“However, with case numbers dropping steadily and most people having a level of protection due to vaccination and often partial immunity from prior infection, the time has come for New Zealanders to make their own assessmenton measures they need to take to reduce the risk of catching COVID-19.”

Auckland Mayor Phil Goff 12 Sep 2022

Say what? A little sleight of hand from a let’s-distort-the-facts-maestro about gold standard vaccination.

Traditional vaccination against measles, mumps, rubella and chickenpox provides life-long immunity for most children. We have confidence that the health risks from catching these childhood diseases are greater than the small risk of adverse reactions from these vaccines because we have decades of data to support the argument.

Given the Pfizer vaccine provides scant protection against Omicron and only temporary protection against the earlier variants, it is not reasonable to claim that Covid vaccination produces a superior immunity to Covid infection than natural immunity.

In every other vaccine given to NZ children, vaccine immunity is the gold standard, but how can anyone claim Covid vaccination is superior to natural immunity when the vaccinated account for most NZ Covid infections, hospitalisations and deaths?

Of course, pondering the relevant facts is not advised. The NZ Ministry of Health doesn’t say how long the Pfizer vaccination protects from Covid infection, and why would they when protection quickly fades?

“The vaccines help prevent you from getting infected, having COVID-19 symptoms, or severe illness. This means you could have no COVID-19 symptoms or will have much fewer, milder symptoms and recover faster.  

“As with any vaccine, being up to date with your vaccinations (based on age, eligibility and other factors) may not mean you’ll be fully protected from infection, however it significantly reduces your chances of becoming seriously ill or ending up in hospital. This is particularly if you have the full course (two doses for Pfizer and Novavax) and a booster (one or two, depending on your eligibility).”

NZ Ministry of Health
The facts show the opposite is true: the more Covid jabs a person has, the higher the risk of them becoming hospitalised and dying.

The unpalatable fact is that the Covid vaccine is in some cases killing and injuring New Zealanders and, unlike traditional vaccines, the long term safety data are not yet available for these experimental mRNA vaccines.

Based on their data, this week the UK rolled back vaccination for children, banning it for under 12s.

Goff should stop spreading mis- and dis-information about the safety and efficacy of the experimental Pfizer vaccine and crawl back under a rock until he departs for his promised posting.
