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Photo by Diane Picchiottino

Sir Bob Jones

Recently the New Zealand Herald lauded a mid-twenties woman for running a restaurant which is hardly a unique accomplishment.

Here’s an extract of the interview in which the subject discusses the pressures of her role, this after greeting a regular customer.

“I said, take a seat. Really nice to see you.” And she just looks at me and she’s like, “What’s wrong?” And I’m like, “Nothing’s wrong. What do you mean? I’m having a great day”….and so it went; sheer mindboggling infantile speech abuse.

This “like” nonsense emerged a few years back, mainly with teenage girls. But not entirely.

I was flabbergasted to read an interview with a 42 year old best-selling American writer, Lisa Taddeo. Lisa is the daughter of a doctor and has a university education.

Below is an unbelievable extract from her interview with The Times, during her visit to London.

Out with her husband in Soho she was approached by a woman in her 80s begging.

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Is this gibberish primarily a female thing? Readers’ comments welcome.

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