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Little Hitlers in Lab Coats. The BFD. Photoshop: Lushington Brady.

When I wrote, some time back, that “doctors are notorious for their God-complex: the arrogant delusion that they are superior beings whose word is writ”, it inspired some upset responses from medicos. But, as we’re seeing during the Wuhan pandemic, give some petty medical bureaucrats a lab coat and a stethoscope and they start behaving like Little Hitlers.

That they are so often wrong deters them not one whit.

In its way, the Essendon Football Club’s “supplements” fiasco should serve as a stark warning for the pandemic era. In that grubby episode, players were required to consent to peptide injections – “no jab, no play”, as it were. The players signed consent forms on the understanding that the injections were ASADA-approved. They weren’t.

In other words, the players did not, and could not, give informed consent. Yet informed consent is a fundamental principle of medical practise.

Now, the Australian government and its pet health bureaucrats are asking Australians to take a jab without informed consent.

Following his announcement of last Wednesday morning that a letter of intent had been signed with AstraZeneca to produce the Oxford vaccine in Australia, should it be successful, Prime Minister Scott Morrison suggested that any coronavirus vaccine be “as mandatory as possible”[…]

With this attitude of further and more brazenly and egregiously restricting the rights and freedoms of Australians, it would seem that the government and its Politburo of medical officers are proposing to engage in exactly the same type of unethical behaviour that occurred at Essendon, but on a much larger, national scale.

It would be outrageous enough for the government to demand that citizens submit to medical procedures under duress. But the track record of governments and health bureaucrats over the past six months has been so appalling that the most honourable thing they can do right now is shut their damn yaps and take their jackboots off our collective necks.

That public health advocates, both in Australia and New Zealand, are increasingly exposing themselves as political apparatchiks makes their delusions of authority even more outrageous.

We’ve had the Chief Medical Officer in Victoria proselytise on coronavirus and climate change, precisely at the time it seems he ought to have been aware of the impending disaster in the hotel quarantine system. His Deputy, in trying to display her woke credentials, also showed her lack of historical knowledge by getting Captain Cook and Captain Arthur Phillip mixed up. After the Ruby Princess and Newmarch House debacles, how NSW minister Brad Hazzard still has a job is anyone’s guess.

In New Zealand, Siouxsie Wiles appears to be nothing more than a mouthpiece for woke government policy.

These people have no shame – and no business telling any citizen what to do.

Given governments’ thirsty desire to erode fundamental rights and freedoms in the face of continuing failure, it is high time they now stopped telling people what is good for them and maybe asked them for a change[…]

Australians have been lectured constantly, in increasingly condescending tones, by politicians and their health apparatchiks over the last six months. It seems most of this lecturing has involved bad advice and led to unnecessary authoritarian-style policies with a complete failure to protect the most vulnerable.

This dictatorship of medical elites shouldn’t really surprise anyone, though. Doctors, after all, don’t exactly have a stellar track record when it comes to politics.

Doctors were, for instance, the most enthusiastic early adopters of Nazism. More than half of all German physicians became early joiners of the Nazi Party, more than all other professions. The brutal Cuban revolutionary, Che Guevara, was a doctor, as was the “Butcher of Belgrade”, Radovan Karadži?, and father-and-son Haitian dictators “Papa Doc” and “Baby Doc” Duvalier. Murderous Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad is a former eye-doctor.

It’s past time for Australian and New Zealand citizens to stand up to these lab-coated Little Hitlers and their political backers and put them in their places.

We are the people – and they answer to us, not the other way round.

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