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Liz Gunn. Photo credit Facebook.

Sir Bob Jones

Why do the media label former television host Liz Gunn a conspiracy theorist for opposing Covid vaccines? To be a conspiracy theorist one must believe there’s a sinister motive behind something.

I gather that’s not Gunn’s position, rather she believes the vaccines are harmful. They are actually, for some people, the medical evidence now increasingly clear of a minority of vaccinated folk having a number of identical serious adverse after-effects. But for the vast majority the vaccines appear to have done their job.

Here’s a parallel hypothetical situation. Thousands of people are killed by cars annually. Gunn’s position is extreme, basically saying ban them for that reason. But that’s a long stretch to say Henry Ford conspired in producing cars for the masses so as to kill them.

That’s effectively how the lightweight media treat Gunn in calling her a conspiracy theorist.

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