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Long Winters of Discontent Yet to Come

This is your brain on climate alarmism. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

One thing that’s noticeable about cults is how utterly immune they are to evidence. Especially millenarian, end-of-the-world cults.

Few more so than the Climate Cult.

Like any other religious cult preaching the imminent end of the world, the Climate Cult are rarely dismayed when their predictions invariably fail to materialise. All they do is reset the timeline — five years, ten years, 2010, 2014, 2030 and counting — and carry on.

Like Marxists, no matter how often their policies end in disaster, they just insist that they only need to do them more, and then Utopia will arrive.

Consider the lunatic rush for “renewables”.

Electricity supplies are forecast to fall short of demand within three years across Australia’s eastern grid, unless new renewable energy and transmission capacity is urgently brought online, according to an official report.

In its latest 10-year outlook for the national electricity market, to be released today, the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) warns of reliability “gaps” affecting New South Wales from 2025 and Victoria, Queensland and South Australia by the end of the decade.

Bear in mind that AEMO, like so many other quangos, has been entirely captured by the green-left, largely courtesy of woke institutional investors.

By “reliability gaps”, they mean rolling blackouts, energy rationing and seasonal “energy poverty” that sees thousands die from being unable to keep warm, every winter.

In other words, exactly what we are seeing in Britain and Europe, and for exactly the same reason.

Central to the upheaval has also been a spate of coal-fired plant outages, which at one stage in June affected a quarter of the fleet in the eastern states.

AEMO said those supply pressures were likely to get worse in the coming years as five coal plants closed, taking with them 14 per cent of the National Energy Market’s total capacity.

Europe and Britain closed their coal plants, too. How’s that working out for them?

Naturally, the cretinous Climate Cultists won’t acknowledge the plain facts staring them in the face. Like the Marxists, they simply make up weak excuses. “Vladimir Putin cut off our gas,” the Germans whine. Except that Germany wouldn’t be wholly dependent on Russian gas if they hadn’t crippled their domestic energy market in the name of climate alarmism.

Similarly, Antipodean Climate Cultists try and blame “failing” coal plants. But coal plants wouldn’t be failing if the Cult hadn’t stifled investment in maintaining the few remaining coal plants. So, when those are forced to repeatedly try and make up for the inescapable falls in “renewables”, they seize up and break down.

Further complicating matters is an expected surge in demand amid efforts to electrify big chunks of the economy, such as the transport industry.

Electric cars, in other words. Yet, the Cult wants more electric cars.

Never mind how in the hell we’ll find the electricity to charge them with.

First hit would be NSW, where major energy retailer Origin has announced plans to close Australia’s single biggest power station, Eraring, in the same year.

But Mr Westerman noted the shortfalls were forecast to spread to Victoria from 2028, Queensland from 2029 and South Australia by the beginning of next decade.

ABC Australia

Sitting here in Tasmania, the only Australian state with abundant hydro resources, it’s going to be almost comical watching the mainland states running out of electricity. It might be time to cut the BassLink cables, to stop the bastards syphoning off our hydropower, as they did in 2016, causing an energy and environmental crisis here.

Now, if only the Greens would let us build more dams.
