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Photoshopped image credit: Luke

What a messy interview. Simon Bridges really needs to go. He dances around a maypole dodging questions about Luxon. His learned lines that he parrots are obvious. It was the same on TVNZ yesterday morning. His arguing with the host is cringeworthy. He fails the no dickheads rule.

As for his claim that he had dinner with Judith Collins, a source told us that Judith Collins was seen having dinner with Shane Reti in Copperfields, the parliament’s cafe, and she briefly talked to Bridges on her way out of the cafe. They did not have dinner together as claimed by Simon Bridges in this interview. Barry Soper apparently heard the same story about the fake dinner date which he talks about at 2:30 on the audio that you can listen to here.

[…] Mr Bridges said he’d known of Amy Adams’ plans to resign for months and Alastair Scott’s for weeks.
He claimed the resulting caucus reshuffle showed “a talent, a substance and deep where quite seamlessly I can bring bring forward proven talent because we are brimming with it”.
He also said it was a party that high flyers wanted to join.

[…] Asked if Judith Collins had been demoted after having the infrastructure portfolio taken off her, Mr Bridges said that wasn’t the case.
Mr Goldsmith was “the logical, the natural choice” for finance spokesperson, he said.
“He understands the economy, and what makes it tick and how to make it stronger.
He refused to say whether National was courting Air New Zealand chief executive Christopher Luxon or the other way around.
Repeatedly asked who had called who, Mr Bridges would not answer.

