I am writing this specifically with Good Oilers in mind. The reason is that we, and I say we because I count myself as one, carry a certain amount of negativity with regard to Christopher Luxon. When it comes to matters of race, that criticism is not without some justification. However we must bear in mind this is just one side of the man.
Sure, it is a side that rankles and is a cause of irritation and exasperation, however there is a more positive side to Luxon which has been evident from the time he took office. That is his desire to make this country a better place for every Kiwi. I believe he is genuine in this aim. If there is still doubt among you I suggest you listen to his State of the Nation speech last Thursday. It was all about growth.
Luxon displayed a genuineness and an enthusiasm that he was determined for this to happen. I know full well that words are just that, words, and I don’t forget the well known saying that ‘actions speak louder than words’ but listening to him gave you the feeling that in this case he was a man of action.
He desperately wants more growth, more foreign investment, better infrastructure, education and health, people on higher incomes and to create more opportunities. He sounded fired up to make this happen. There was talk of oil and gas exploration in Taranaki and mining on the West Coast, both creating jobs and economic wealth for those areas and the country as a whole.
Luxon spoke about the Port of Tauranga wanting to expand but being bogged down by having to get endless permissions. He talked about the reform of the RMA and the Fast Track legislation to assist in this regard.
One announcement was the creation of an agency called Invest New Zealand, which is a one stop shop for attracting overseas investment. It will roll out the investment welcome mat, streamline the investment process and provide tailored support to foreign investors. The agency will be headed by Todd McClay.
Luxon is offering more government assistance in the areas of farming, tourism and science and technology. He wants to improve the systems these people work under so they can get on and better achieve. Farmers need to be milking more cows and doing less paperwork, tourism operators need to be able to expand and scientists need to be better able to carry out their work.
There will be four public research organisations focused on the bio economy, earth sciences, health and forensic sciences, and advanced technology. They are expected to have a sharp focus on commercialisation, harnessing Kiwi talent for maximum economic impact. Higher incomes, more investment and more opportunities to get ahead.
This is the area where I think Luxon is well suited. He understands business and its importance to growth. He also understands the mechanisms that must be in place for this to be achieved. This was a speech that you would never hear from the left. They are unable to grasp this sort of vision that the country sorely needs.
This was not tax, red tape and envy. There was no mention that in all of this one race deserves to benefit more than another. It was the exact opposite. It was putting forward a positive message and approach that at the end of the day is designed to benefit ALL Kiwis no matter your skin colour or where you sit on the economic ladder.
Personally, I congratulate Christopher Luxon for dragging the country out of the pit of despair Ardern had put it in and put forward a plan whereby everyone will share in the benefits that hopefully will accrue. It is bold and visionary and deserves support.
He and we will make New Zealand great again.