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Behold the terrifying face of modern “racism”. The BFD.

It goes without saying that Twitter is a sewer of deranged leftist hate. Something about the site seems to foster the vilest bullying and insanely vicious witch-hunting, mostly, it seems from the very people who at the same time loudly trumpet their own virtue and “inclusiveness”.

Like the inquisitors of old, Twitter’s inquisitors imagine that they alone possess the keys to Heaven at the same time as they make a Hell on earth.

No progrom is too unhinged for these swivel-eyed fanatics. Even hair-styles on videogame characters are enough to set them trying to destroy someone’s life.

Fifi, better known as @stardewleaf on Twitter, is a massive fan of both Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing (as is obvious in her handle). She likes to share her creations with her followers, but she wasn’t expecting to be cancelled by an angry mob for it.

The 28-year-old Animal Crossing fan from the UK shared a picture of her character chilling in the kitchen with her pet plush puppy. Her character was sporting black boots, leggings, a pink skirt with a matching pink sweater. However, what most people were upset with was her choice of hairstyle for her videogame character.

“Cute space buns,” Fifi wrote with an accompanying smiley emoji.

As many of you may remember, “space buns” was the name given to Carrie Fisher’s hairstyle in Star Wars. But those who can only view everything through inquisitorial racial glasses saw differently.

But a handful of people on Twitter with #BLM in their names lashed out at her accusing her of appropriating black culture and being racist.

Yes. Even hairstyles on videogame characters are “racist”, now.

Behold the terrifying face of modern “racism”. The BFD.

With all the typical bravery of the average leftist keyboard warrior, “Amanda” wrote that “she shouldn’t be wearing the hairstyles if she’s white, simple as that”. Employing the online leftists’ favourite gambit, Amanda demanded Fifi’s doxxing, claiming that everyone should “put her name out there” – before deleting her own account and running away and hiding.

Amanda, according to her now deleted Twitter account, is a proud Black Lives Matter activists [sic] who hates capitalism and wants to defund the police.

Many perceived her Tweets as a threat against Fifi and reported her account. Sadly, Twitter did not act in time and Amanda deactivated her own account after she saw the support the girl she had just called racist was getting.

Others, though, doubled down on their hateful idiocy.

Fifi (@stardewleaf) later shared a picture of her golden retriever. She explained that he was turning 20 and was very sick but that her dog’s unconditional love helped her cope with the hate she was receiving for her “space buns.”

Other Black Lives Matter activists used this opportunity to attempt to dox her, some even saying that they should “find and kill that racist dog”.

Sausage Roll

Still, the good news in this story is that even many Twitter users saw how completely deranged the whole affair really is.

Fortunately the hate she received was only a tiny fraction of the massive and overwhelmingly response she got. As it turns out, most people loved her “space buns”. She got thousands and thousands of followers overnight and retweets by some bigger accounts.
Some people even paid tribute by drawing her Animal Crossing character to show just how un-problematic it actually is[…]

Fifi (stardewleaf) fanart by RedRamBa via Twitter. The BFD.

Meanwhile, as Fifi pointed out, people like this are apparently perfectly acceptable to Twitter…

Totally acceptable on Twitter. Just don’t wear “racist hairstyles”. The BFD.

Since first writing this post, it appears that Fifi’s Twitter account has been deactivated.

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