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Photo by Diane Picchiottino

Sir Bob Jones

The government on our behalf, has issued court proceedings against itself, in the process costing tax-payers a fortune in legal fees.

I refer to the state agency Worksafe, suing the police after a gang leader, arrested for drug offences, died in his cell from what is described as “a medical event”. Apparently the police failed to check on his well-being often enough while he was in custody.

This is Kafkaesque madness. It’s no secret the Police are understaffed, thanks largely to the explosion in criminal activity, notably by gangs, and simply cannot cope with the work demands.

The Worksafe agency is plainly staffed by half-wits. The Justice Minister should intervene and put a stop to this pointless and costly nonsense which can achieve nothing more than a ridiculous waste of tax-payer money in legal fees.

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