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If you want to see the face of modern culture, imagine a spoiled brat screaming in your face – forever. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

If the increasingly shrill and unhinged screeching from the “Yes” campaigners is anything to go by, the “Voice” referendum is losing badly. In echoes of the Brexit campaign, the Establishment shills are stopping at nothing to scaremonger, brow-beat and finger-wag their opponents.

Including lying to our faces.

Race discrimination commissioner Chin Tan has urged for a cool down in debate on the Voice, saying if race became the focus of debate it would give confidence to some people “to embark on a journey which they ought not to”.

“For [the Human Rights Commission] the Voice is not about race,” Mr Tan told the ABC.
This is an outright lie, on several fronts.

In fact, in March this year, Human Rights Commissioner Lorraine Finlay warned that the “Voice”, “inserts race into the Australian Constitution in a way that undermines the foundational human rights principles of equality and non-discrimination”.

Which brings us to the second lie, the biggest whopper of the lot, in Tan’s claim: that it’s “not about race”.

In fact, it’s all about race. Its racial basis is in its very name: “Indigenous Voice”.

As opposition frontbencher James Paterson correctly states:

“Now you could say it is on the basis of their race, or if you prefer you could say it is based on their heritage, or their ancestry, or their ethnicity, or their indigeneity.”

ABC Australia

Which are all merely different names for the same. The “Yes” shills are handing us a spade and telling us it’s a “rectangular manual earth-moving implement”.

These people really think we’re as stupid as they are.

But that’s just the start of today’s Two Minutes of Screeching from the “Yes” shills.

Wesfarmers chairman Michael Chaney says international investors are watching the Indigenous voice referen­dum closely and will question whether Australia is a “fair place” if it fails.

The Australian

Bollocks, not to put too fine a point on it. Name them, as Margaret Thatcher famously said.

But remember when corporations stuck to their core purpose of making money, instead of jumping on every bandwagon pushed by the green left? Sadly, those happy days belong to the dim past before leftist activists and the UN foisted “ESG” (Environment, Social, and Governance) on companies. This is coupled with the rise of union-run “Industry Superannuation” funds: massive pools of workers’ retirement funds which are used as political bludgeons by far-left union bosses.

So now we find ourselves with corporations serving as the lap dogs, rather than the betes noire, of the woke left.

Why are so many of our leading companies, including BHP, Rio Tinto, Origin, the CBA bank and many others backing the Yes campaign when they now must realise the danger it poses to national decision-making and racial tension?

Because they’re spineless and polly-whipped by the Millennial Arts grads running their HR departments.

“Hold our un-sellable beer,” says Anheuser-Busch.

As Paul Kelly rightly points out:

The more the Yes campaign is scrutinised, the more “the scale of serial deception is apparent”.

The Australian

But lying is all they have. Expect the hysterical finger-wagging to ramp up in the next couple of months. Soon, they’ll be shrieking that a “No” vote will cause global warming, meteorite strikes, famine, war, pestilence, dogs and cats living together… mass hysteria!

These loons really are the “No” campaign’s best asset.


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