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Man locked in Psychiatric Ward for asking Questions

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Photo by Mark König

Peter Imanuelsen

Photo of Trond Harald Haaland and his lawyer Barbro Paulsen. Screenshot Facebook / Kjetil Tveit

First a word of warning. This story you are about to read is WORSE than you think.

I did not believe this could happen in a democracy. This should not ever happen in a democracy. But then again, I am beginning to ask myself if we are actually still living in a democracy.

Let’s start from the beginning…

This is about a Norwegian man named Trond Harald Haaland. He has long been outspoken about things like the World Economic Forum, climate change and vaccine passports. He has posted a lot about the excess death rates we have been seeing after the rollout of the mRNA vaccines.

In other words, this is a man who does not believe the mainstream media narrative. He thinks for himself. And he has been actively criticizing the Norwegian health system for what happened during the pandemic.

Among other things, earlier this year he sent a letter to a very senior doctor in his region to demand a stop to covid vaccination of children 5 to 11 years old.

Now someone had anonymously reported him to the police for being “mentally unstable”. We have no idea who it was. Could be anyone. It could be some Antifa extremist that had reported him for all we know.

Then the police contacted the health system based on this anonymous tip.

That is all that was needed for two “health care workers” together with two uniformed police officers to arrive at his door and forcibly haul the man away and lock him up in a psychiatric ward.

What was the justification for such drastic measures?

Because he had been posting “conspiracy theories” on Facebook. Conspiracy theories such as talking about the mRNA vaccines and excess deaths, Klaus Schwab, and that he does not believe in man-made climate change.

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Some of the “conspiracy theories” that the man posted on Facebook.

The senior doctor had this to say about the issue:

“When he is healthy and stable he does not post and is not interested in these topics [climate skepticism, covid vaccine skepticism among other things]. It is not normal behavior that he is now displaying considering how he is when he is healthy. He is still secretive and suspicious.”

In other words, according to the doctor, the man is not “healthy” when he is posting about things like stopping children from getting the mRNA vaccine and not believing in the official narrative about climate change.

Oh, so did this doctor read his Facebook posts? No, the doctor did not even have a Facebook account!


So the police showed up at his door on the 19th of July to drag him away. I had a look at his Facebook profile to see what he had posted. And to my shock, he had shared one of my posts on the very same day that he was locked up for being “mentally unstable”!

I had posted about France passing a new law so that authorities can remotely activate the camera, microphone and GPS on suspects’ phones.

Trond posted this on his facebook the same day the police arrived on his door. (Image Credit:

Trond Harald Haaland shared my post with his own comment:

“Have probably done it a long time. Snowden knew about it. What if they hack your phone…stalk you and you could never prove it to anyone and be declared insane, they can do a few crazy things…nobody would believe you. They can do it all day…Maybe someone has experienced it?”

The very same day that he posted this, police showed up on his door and he was forcibly locked up.

During the time he was locked up, there were some very concerning things that happened to him. Something that shouldn’t be happening in a democracy.

He was not allowed to go outside and get some fresh air, because he “did not want to be here”. His lawyer had also requested to be there when the senior doctor had a meeting with her client, but she (the lawyer) was denied.

So to summarize what happened.

  1. The man posts things critical of the mainstream narrative on social media.
  2. Someone anonymous reports him to the police.
  3. The police reported him to the health system.
  4. Two “health care workers” and two police officers arrive at his door the same day he shares one of my posts about government surveillance.
  5. They drag him away and forcibly lock him up.
  6. He is not allowed fresh air.
  7. He is not allowed to have his lawyer present at a meeting.

Finally, after being held for nine days, the man was let go after a jury at the Control Commission for Psychiatric Healthcare ruled that there was no justification for forcibly locking him up.

So it was ruled illegal to lock him up. Obviously.

But the fact that this could happen to begin with and that he was locked up for nine days is extremely worrying.

If they can do it to him, they can do it to more people as well.

And this is nothing new. In fact, in the Soviet Union they actively persecuted political dissidents and locked them up in psychiatric hospitals after “health experts” had deemed that their political opinions meant they were “mentally unstable”.

It was just a way for the Communists to lock up dissidents and people who opposed their tyrannical regime.

And it seems to be happening again. This man was locked in a psychiatric ward for the crime of posting political opinions that go against the mainstream narrative.

You can read more in detail about the political persecution of dissidents in the Soviet Union in my in-depth article here:

This is such an important thing to write aboutI’m not going to put any kind of paywall on this article.

But I still need your help to be able to write about stories like this.

The mainstream media gets millions in funding from people like Bill Gates. I get nothing, I can only do this thanks to everyone who is a paid subscriber here on Substack.

With your help, I can continue reporting the truth and stand up for freedom – Thank you :)


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