On the 23rd of March 2022, New Zealand’s Tyrant Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern addressed the nation via her usual ‘Podium of Truth’: a propaganda vessel that she has been happy to captain since she announced the initial responses to the unfolding Covid ‘pandemic‘ back in early 2020.
At this latest stand-up, which was actually just another announcement of an announcement, she, after spending far too many minutes telling us all about how wonderful she is, advised that she would be removing the hated vax mandates.
There would, she announced, be only another two weeks of some of the world’s most onerous restrictions. After forcing government departments and businesses to sack many of their workforce for the simple offence of wishing to retain their own bodily autonomy, she was backing down. (Ahh just two weeks, remember that little curve flattening lie?)
But, she said, this had absolutely nothing to do with the tens, actually probably hundreds of thousands of people who were showing their very clear opposition to her and her minions’ control of our lives.
It had nothing to do with the convoys she said, that had cruised from either end of our fair land, straight to her doorstep with the message that it was time for the mandates to end.
It certainly had nothing to do with the ‘feral scum’, the ‘deplorables’, the ‘river of filth’ that was subsequently parked up on that doorstep for 23 days before she ordered extreme violence to be used to banish them. And of course, it had absolutely nothing to do with the crashing opinion polls that are increasingly showing that Labour and Ardern are looking at sustaining the worst landslide defeat ever when they get trounced at the next election.
We all know the truth of that situation of course but, at the end of the day, her pathetic posturing doesn’t matter. What matters is that she has removed the mandates that are stifling our industry, education, police and defence workforces and business sectors, tourism and just about every Mum and Dad business out there. But has she?
Actually no. Jacinda has not removed anything. What she has done is duck shoved the mandate onto the individual businesses, forcing them to make the decision for her. Yes, those businesses can soon choose to remove these restrictions to employment, but they can now also choose to keep them.
The beauty of this tactic for Ardern is that it protects the government from future litigation problems to a large extent. It puts the onus onto the employer or business now. The same reason, it seems, that the government is appealing the Yardley [Police and Defence court case] decision which could rightly be shown to be the major catalyst for Ardern’s backtracking.
Hopefully, as happened in Italy and Russia, the customers will vote with their feet and force those businesses to cave or face going under, like so many of their counterparts have gone under during Ardern’s reign of terror.
So mandates are still a thing. They certainly still apply to our health practitioners, aged care workers, corrections staff and border and MIQ workers.
That is still a huge sector of our workforce. Yes, it is nice that those poor teachers, cops and defence force people all get to decide whether they would like that third or fourth injection, but there are still many thousands of people who don’t have any right to decide what will be forced into their bodies.
And make no mistake, being forced is exactly what is happening. When you are crying as the nurse asks you to consent to the needle because the whole damn point is that you don’t consent, but you have to in order to keep your job, pay your rent and feed your kids, then that is not freely given consent. In a normal world, the person doing the forcing would be put before the courts.
So now is not the time to give up protesting. Now is not the time to give up trying to get the mandates removed from our lives. Now is not the time to sit back on our laurels thinking ‘well my mandates have gone, and I’m not a border worker, so I don’t care any more’.
Those border workers need you. The doctors, nurses, midwives, hospital cleaners need you. The lovely people who look after your old Mum at the home need you. They can’t do it on their own. They helped get rid of your mandates; it’s now time to step up the pushback and help them out too.
So join your local VFF group, check out the new group NZUnite.com, put a flag on your car, write to your MP, get a banner printed and put it up on your house or ute.
Make sure your voice is heard. Your people need you to keep going until these ridiculous rules, and hopefully, the evil harridan who promoted and forced them all on us, have all been relegated to the history books under ‘What not to do in a pandemic’.