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Mansell Bellows the Quiet Part Out Loud

That’s not how you do blackface. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Michael Mansell has come straight out and said the quiet part out loud: it’s all about an Aboriginal ethnostate.

I’ve been warning for months that the “Uluru Statement”, the foundational document of the “Voice” referendum, is a tacit call for a racially separatist, Aboriginal ethnostate, encompassing part or all of the Australian continent.

It’s all there, in black and white: “Aboriginal sovereignty”, supposedly “never ceded”, is mentioned four times. That’s just in the single page that the Voice proponents wanted us to see; the other 26 pages they tried to keep hidden are even more explicit, calling the Australian Commonwealth “illegal” and demanding its overthrow.

“Sovereignty” is the key word, here. Sovereignty is not just a vague, motherhood statement, it’s a legal concept with well-defined meaning: the sole, supreme, and indivisible, law-making authority within a defined territory. Either the Commonwealth of Australia is the sovereign power, or something else is. “Aboriginal sovereignty” is inescapably clear: the Commonwealth is not the sovereign power.

The Uluru statement was co-drafted by high-powered lawyers, so they cannot have misunderstood the meaning of what they wrote.

In case anyone still wanted to deny it, Michael Mansell is saying it out loud.

An Indigenous leader has proposed Aboriginal people form a seventh Australian state as he slams Anthony Albanese’s ‘stupid’ Voice to Parliament.

Michael Mansell, a proud Palawa man, lawyer and activist, says land should be returned to First Nations people so they can form their own independent state.

Land, where? Does anyone really think these grasping, racist grifters are going to be satisfied with a few thousand square kilometres of barren desert?

On a side note: why are these race-baiting activists invariably described as “proud [insert tribe] man”, or woman? Why are they never, “Australian”?

If anyone else described themselves as a “proud Anglo-Saxon man”, the howls of outrage would be deafening.

This is only the start of the grasping demands from this blue-eyed race-baiter extraordinaire. The same bloke who, remember, tried to claim ownership of a yacht that broke its moorings and washed up on a beach in Tasmania.

On January 26 this year, Mr Mansell declared no professional sport should be played on Australia Day in respect to First Nations people.

‘Sporting bodies have a responsibility to take the lead. They shouldn’t be playing on January 26, any sport, they should get rid of the day,’ he said.

His comments came after Australian cricketer and Mururari woman Ashleigh Gardner raised concerns about playing a Twenty20 match against Pakistan in Hobart on Australia Day.

The Daily Mail

What is it, with these blond, blue-eyed “Aborigines”?

Are they trying to over-compensate for something?


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The Good Oil Daily Roundup

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