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Kino Gif image credit The BFD.

Major Maori leaders have thrown in their lot with Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the Anti-Zionist (‘I’m not an Anti-Semite’) political and social activists who apparently have a very strong following amongst New Zealand journalists and mainstream media news sites, as well as within the Greens and NZ Labour parties.

The Maori Party members of parliament spoke outside the Beehive Wednesday evening at a pro-Palestinian rally, joining with the Greens in calling for New Zealand to recognise a Palestinian State while personally cursing Israel and the Jewish people.

Ngawera-Packer MP, aside from publicly throwing Maori support behind the Greens’ efforts to obtain a vote in the NZ Parliament to recognise the Palestinian Authority as a State, went on to accuse the Jewish people and the State of Israel of colonisation, militarisation and being racists. Ngawera-Packer finished her delivery by calling the Israeli/Jewish people “Kino”, which translates from Maori as evil, wicked or bad. So the Jews are evil and wicked now. We have heard that accusation levelled against the Jews from you know who in the 1930s and 1940s.

Ngawera Packer finished her delivery by calling the Israeli/Jewish people “Kino” which translates from Maori meaning evil, wicked or bad.

Wow! What have we here? It’s a very sad day when the official Maori leadership accuse the Jews of being colonists in their own historic tribal lands.

For three thousand years the area known today as the West Bank (known as this since 1948 only) has been known, written in maps, legal documents, archives and holy books as Judea and Samaria.

The twelve tribes of Israel settled this region before the era of the Jewish Kingdom of David. Jews come from Judea hence the name. Philistines were Greek invaders who occupied a thin coastal strip. The fabled Goliath was a Philistine.

Palestinians are Arabs who have no connection to the Greek Philistines who disappeared as a people over 2,500 years ago.

The Muslim Arabs invaded and colonised these lands 1,400 years ago along with North Africa and large parts of Asia. There is no record of Muslim Arabs before 1,400 years in this area as Islam did not exist before Mohammed, its prophet, appeared at the end of the sixth century.

Apparently, only Maori have historic land rights; other recognised peoples with recognised historic claims to lands should be cancelled and dehumanised.

I hope and expect that the Maori people will distance themselves from these terrible slanders, which in themselves are racist, inflammatory and totally unacceptable, coming from Maori leaders who are also Members of New Zealand’s Parliament.

Editor’s note: If ignorance is evil then kino is a better description for the Maori party leadership.

Kino Gif image credit The BFD.

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