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Marama Davidson Not across Her Portfolio

Image credit The BFD.

Karen Chhour
ACT Social Development spokesperson

Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence Minister Marama Davidson’s performance in Question Time yesterday shows she has no idea what’s happening in her portfolio.

The number of family harm incidents have increased from 133,000 in 2018 to 171,000 in 2020. That’s a 28 per cent increase.

Those are official numbers from the Police. Any Minister worth their salt would know those figures and be working to bring them down.

Instead, Davidson told Parliament she simply doesn’t believe them. It’s like she has her fingers in her ears screaming la la la.

I Cant Hear You La La La GIF
I Cant Hear You La La La GIF

These numbers are unacceptable.

People rely on the Government to try to keep them safe. Under this Government we’ve seen a soft on crime and soft on the causes of crime approach which is leading to harm.

I hope I don’t have to ask this question about increases in family harm again but I’m afraid the trajectory looks like I might have to.

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