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Marburg: Products, Profits and Power

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science

WHO Africa announced the first ever Marburg virus outbreak in Equatorial Guinea on 13 February 2023, reporting thatPreliminary tests carried out following the deaths of at least nine people in the country’s eastern Kie Ntem Province turned out positive on one of the samples for the viral haemorrhagic fever.”

What is Marburg Virus?

Marburg virus belongs to the filovirus family, named for their thread-like appearance under electron microscopy (filum is Latin for thread).

There are three known genera of filoviruses: cuevavirus (not known to cause human disease), Marburg virus and the most well-known, Ebola virus. Marburg virus is further classified into two species, both of which have caused human disease. Ebola virus is further classified into six species of varying significance to human health.

Marburg virus was first identified after simultaneous outbreaks of haemorrhagic fever occurred in 1967 amongst laboratory workers in Europe (Marburg and Frankfurt in Germany and Belgrade in ex-Yugoslavia). The majority of cases had handled tissues and blood from African Green Monkeys imported from Uganda. Thirty-one human cases developed severe disease, seven of whom died. Initially named Green Monkey Disease, it was eventually renamed after the city where most of the cases in this initial outbreak occurred.

The only known natural animal reservoir for Marburg virus is the Egyptian fruit bat, which develops little to no clinical disease but sheds the virus. Transmission routes to other species are unknown but likely involve close contact with urine and/or faeces. Human to human transmission can occur via contact with infected bodily fluids of a sick person. Sexual transmission and contaminated blood transfusion equipment have been implicated in outbreaks.

What is Marburg Virus Disease (MVD)?

As well as its taxonomic classification as a filovirus, Marburg virus is also known clinically as one of many haemorrhagic fever viruses. Since the 1967 outbreak, Marburg virus has been responsible for sporadic outbreaks of haemorrhagic fever with a total of 478 deaths recorded over that time. This depicts the nature of viral infections with high mortality rates, which kill their hosts before they can spread very far, as opposed to highly transmissible diseases which have low mortality rates allowing them to transmit through populations easily.

The symptoms of MVD are often non-specific, which can be problematic from a diagnostic perspective, particularly if unreliable tests are being used. As with Covid-19, use of PCR tests are sensitive and rapid, but low specificity means that they are inappropriate for diagnostic purposes without other confirmatory testing. Nevertheless, WHO case definitions allow for PCR in diagnosis.

According to US CDC, the incubation period is between 2-21 days and initial symptoms are non-specific, including fever, chills, headache and muscle aches. From about five days after symptom onset, a maculopapular rash on the chest, stomach and back may develop, as well as nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, chest pain and sore throat. Symptoms may become progressively worse, with jaundice, pancreatic inflammation, severe weight loss, delirium, massive haemorrhaging, shock, liver and multi-organ failure.

All of the symptoms can be mistaken for other diseases, including other viral haemorrhagic fevers such as Lassa and Ebola, but also other infectious diseases such as malaria and typhoid fever. Clinical diagnosis is therefore difficult and even more so if there are no epidemiological links to other cases.

Conflicts of Interest

On 14 February, one day after Equatorial Guinea’s case of Marburg was declared, WHO R&D Blueprint convened an urgent meeting in Geneva with MARVAC (Marburg Virus Vaccine Consortium) partners to discuss research priorities for Marburg vaccines and therapeutics. WHO R&D Blueprint are a “global effort pioneered by WHO to increase R&D preparedness for future epidemics”, launched by WHO in partnership with CEPI (Centre for Epidemic Preparedness and Innovation) at the May 2016 World Health Assembly in Geneva.

CEPI was launched at Davos in January 2016 by the governments of Norway and India, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Wellcome Trust (under the Directorship of WHO’s new Chief Scientist Jeremy Farrar) and the World Economic Forum. They receive funding from Gates and Wellcome as well as multiple WHO member states, including New Zealand and Australia. CEPI have major ties to the pharmaceutical industry and follow a business model, described as a ponzi scheme, in which taxpayers cover all risk and the industry receive all benefits.

The ponzi scheme is supported by the World Bank, who launched a Pandemic Emergency Financing Facility in 2017 using specialised bonds “to channel surge funding to developing countries facing the risk of a pandemic”. They predicted “six viruses that are most likely to cause a pandemic. These include new Orthomyxoviruses (new influenza pandemic virus A), Coronaviridae (SARS, MERS), Filoviridae (Ebola, Marburg) and other zoonotic diseases (Crimean Congo, Rift Valley, Lassa fever).” The logo of this International Finance Facility for Immunisation states their role as financing Gavi The Vaccine Alliance, another cog in the wheel of this corrupt labyrinth, all leading back to the same beneficiaries posing as benefactors.

MARVAC formed after a single case of Marburg virus detected in Guinea in August 2021 “raised alarms”, followed by three further cases in Ghana in July 2022 which led to the conclusion that “continued reemergence of MARV highlights the need for vaccines to prevent future MVD outbreaks”. The role of MARVAC is to develop vaccines and accelerate vaccine evaluation and approval. This is congruous with CEPI’s aim to “respond to the next Disease X with a new vaccine in 100 days”.

For a disease which has been of epidemiological insignificance to the world in the 55 years since it was first identified, it is curious that the US Health and Human Services documented preparations for pandemic Marburgvirus in September 2020. Even more so when haemorrhagic fever viruses are identified as having the potential for use in biological warfare.

Recent information from ex-pharamaceutical executive Sasha Latypova and para-legal Katherine Watt exposes the role that the US Department of Defense are playing in pandemic responses. Latypova’s most recent interview provides detailed evidence as to why this is happening. Those tempted to see this as an ‘alt-right conspiracy theory’ might appreciate the perspective of lifelong Democrat, Robert F Kennedy Jr.

This is supported by a recent discussion between Dr Lee Vliet of Truth for Health Foundation and Ann Vandersteel of the Zelenko Foundation in USA, with Dr Astrid Stuckelberger and Pascal Najadi in Switzerland. Dr Stuckelberger has expertise in pandemic and public health emergency management, international health regulations and human rights. She is known today as a whistleblower, speaking out about the corruption within WHO. Mr Najadi is from an established banking family, whose father (assassinated in 2013) knew Klaus Schwab but abandoned the World Economic Forum in the 1980s after recognising a clash with Schwab’s values and behaviour. Najadi recently laid criminal charges against the Swiss president, Alain Berset, regarding the fraudulent vaccine campaign.

Is Marburg Next?

They are not regulated pharmaceuticals … they are military medical counter-measures, ordered by the Department of Defense …
~ Sasha Latypova

Bill Gates complained recently that his Covid vaccines are not working and that “sadly”, people were becoming naturally immune. But all may not be lost for the biotech billionaire/vaccine tsar. Was his sinister prediction laced with creepy smiles, “the next pandemic will really get your attention”, a forewarning?

Although a repurposed dangerous vaccine is selling well, Monkeypox has not had the frenzied success of Covid. Perhaps Gates will make good on his promise with Marburg?

An eerily accurate prediction made by Gavi’s “Vaccines Work Series” in April 2021 asked The Next Pandemic: Marburg?  With incredulous clairvoyancy the article begins with a fictitious story about Marburg affecting Equatorial Guinea for the first time ever. It goes on to describe the disease, it’s potential for disaster particularly in relation to international travel and the need for R&D of vaccines and diagnostics.

Then, in early 2022, discussion of an outbreak in China gave concern that plandemic 2.0 might be on its way, but this came to nothing at the time. Readiness has remained high amongst conspiracy watchers since, though.

Given the evidence at hand, it is probably less than wise to ignore the public affirmations of planned pandemic militarisation from one of the industry’s biggest coordinators and beneficiaries? Is this really a future we want for ourselves, our children and our world? If not, then our only protection is to arm ourselves with knowledge and an effective opposition.

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