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Kay O’Lacey



The New Zealand Dollar fell overnight again for the fourth straight day and the NZX is bracing this morning to take another beating as the fallout from an errant Tweet continues.

Just how fragile the NZ economy is was underlined when a prominent podcast with global reach played last week a clip of NZ Prime Minister Ardern talking about the move to the traffic light system and that “..Aucklanders could now use their friend’s toilets when visiting..!”. The podcast hosts’ derisory comments included reference to the PM of NZ as being ‘..some sort of ‘mad cow’.

The ensuing Twitter Storm (still apparently the only type of storm that can be reliably predicted) morphed into a tweet that connected mad cow to the COVID-19 disease, starting parallel rumours that mad cow disease had found been in New Zealand.

Despite the complete absence of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE – commonly known as mad cow disease) anywhere in  New Zealand, markets reacted negatively and quickly gained ‘downside momentum’.

While officials moved swiftly to quash rumours of BSE, it’s thought that loss in confidence became ‘entrenched’ when global markets fully absorbed the fact that New Zealand was actually being run by a Mad Cow.

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