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Masks Don’t Even Work for Nurses

It often seems that the primary symptom of the Wuhan plague is a compulsion to lie. The Chinese regime began lying almost from the moment the first sniffle was heard in Wuhan (but then again, “Chinese regime” and “lying” go together like communists and mass graves). But, as the virus spread around the globe, so did the lies.

The Big Lie of the pandemic is “follow the science”. The bureaucrats and politicians who’ve locked us down, masked us up and sent the goon squad to cuff us if we don’t obey have studiously ignored the robust scientific evidence that almost everything they’ve done is wrong.

Lockdowns don’t work. If anything, they make a bad situation worse. Public health guidelines before the pandemic made clear that lockdowns should be off the table. The evidence almost immediately began to pile up, proving that they didn’t work. Over the past year, the evidence has only got stronger.

Yet here we still are, being locked down as soon as someone so much as clears their throat.

Masks. Again, the browbeaters and finger-waggers have thrown their weight behind mass-muzzling the population. Wear a mask! Wear two masks! Three! Vaccinated? Doesn’t matter.

Except that, again, the vaunted science just doesn’t back them up. While the mask-fanciers cite epistemologically weak observational studies, robust randomised control studies and meta-studies show no real benefit from wearing masks (except, possibly, for people who are already sick: for the 99+% of everyone else, they’re a waste of time).

Of course, the muzzle-fanatics jump up and down and screech, “So why do hospital workers wear them?”

Yeah, about that…

Flaws in the way masks were being fitted have led to fears Queensland nurses were being exposed to COVID-19.

The state’s nurses union has taken Queensland Health to the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission over concerns about the way masks were tested and checked for a proper fit, known as “fit-testing”.

Several health workers, including nurses, caught COVID-19 while working with infectious patients at the Princess Alexandra Hospital, with two clusters sparking a snap three-day lockdown in Brisbane in March.

So even health professionals who are trained in PPE use aren’t getting much benefit from them. But Karen in Countdown is bulletproof, thanks to that cutesy cloth mask she made herself.

Following a conference before commissioner Ros McLennan on Tuesday, the union said an audit by Queensland Health found “systemic flaws” in the fit-testing of PPE continued to potentially expose frontline nurses to COVID-19.

The Queensland Nurses and Midwives’ Union said the findings of the audit revealed widespread inconsistencies and deficiencies in the fitting of protective equipment and practices at several of the state’s hospital and health services.

Union secretary Beth Mohle welcomed an agreement with Queensland Health to urgently develop and implement an action plan to fix the problems.

“The data has clearly demonstrated what the QNMU has long feared, that there are huge inconsistencies in the PPE fit-testing programs across our public health system,” she said[…]

A previous partial audit of one hospital reportedly showed just 40 per cent of staff who worked in high-risk areas said they were appropriately fit-tested and checked.

Brisbane Times

This is the issue we “covidiots” and “deniers” pointed out from the beginning: to work at all, masks have to be properly fitted. More importantly, the mask-wearer must refrain from touching their face. That person at the shopping centre who’s continually fiddling with their mask, pulling it down over their nose and then putting back, running their grubby paws over the avocados and then rubbing their eyes?

Yeah, they’re not doing jack.

Mask-wearing is touchy in even a clinical situation. Mass-mask-wearing in public is bureaucratic overreach on a grand scale.

But masks have one benefit at least for our COVID overlords: they’re immediately obvious. Wrongthinkers and dissidents can be picked out in an instant.

That’s the only real purpose of mask mandates.

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