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Mayoral Candidate Pokes Fun at PM

Auckland Mayoral candidate John Tamihere. 26 February 2019 New Zealand Herald Photograph by Dean Purcell. WGP 27Feb19 – John Tamihere. NAG 27Feb19 – NZH 15May19 – NZH 17May19 – John Tamihere NZH 23Jun19 – WGP 03Jul19 – NZH 03Jul19 – NZH 05Jul19 –

Auckland Mayoral candidate John Tamihere has scored himself some free publicity from the MSM by poking fun at Jacinda Ardern. Mocking her much-vaunted kindness and no doubt her well-being budget as well, he has made the hilarious claim that as Auckland’s mayor he will create an 0800 JACINDA hotline for residents to call if they see anyone sleeping rough or begging.

Anyone who called the number would find a “person all loving and caring that knows everything about your wellbeing” on the other end, he said. A social worker would then be sent to work with the beggar.

That has to be tongue in cheek… he can’t be serious but then he gets to what sounds like a real policy idea.

Homeless people causing a “nuisance” by sleeping rough would be asked to go with the social worker – or find themself in breach of the law, Tamihere said this afternoon as he released his begging and homelessness policy in the run-up to October’s election.
[…] “With each person found on the streets, social workers, like a lot of other workers in the supply side of our economy, must wake up to the fact that social work is a 24/7 job, and there will be a requirement that they work three shifts.”
[…] Homelessness was an issue for central Government, not local government or police, he said.

A Newspaper
