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Liz Gunn. Photo credit Facebook.

Parents and children waiting in line at the North Shore stadium drive-through vaccination centre on the first day of vaccination for 5-11-year-olds were told five children had collapsed. Staff at the centre were alleged to have asked parents to ferry them to nearby North Shore Hospital rather than calling ambulances which would have alarmed waiting families.

Was it true? Liz Gunn was at the centre and heard the rumour so she made her way toward the centre to find out.  On her way there she encountered a TV1 reporting crew walking away from the centre and asked the reporter if she had heard the rumour and whether it was true.

The TV1 reporter ducked her head, kept walking and refused to answer and so Liz politely reminded her that pursuing the truth and presenting it is her job. The rumour is something that NZ parents considering vaccinating their children would want to know if it was true or not.

The next day the Northern Regional Health Co-ordination Centre Clinical Director issued the following statement which was reported in several newspapers.

“We are aware of some claims of adverse events occurring at the Eventfinda Stadium drive-through vaccination centre on the North Shore yesterday [Monday]. These are incorrect,” NRHCC Clinical Director, Dr Anthony Jordan told Newshub on Tuesday.

“We can confirm there are no reports of any such events occurring.”

This should have been the end of that story, but unfortunately for Liz Gunn it was not. She became the victim of a media attack for daring to suggest that a representative of the MSM was not doing her job properly.

Damien Venuto, Business Reporter for the NZ Herald must have had a quiet day on the business front because he found time to create a hit piece on Gunn.

Venuto accused Gunn of “hounding a news reporter with conspiracy-laden questions claiming (wrongly) that children were fainting after receiving the Covid vaccine.”

Gunn never actually claimed that the rumour about children collapsing (for whatever reason) was true but she was insistent that the story be confirmed one way or the other. You can check this for yourself. The dialogue between Gunn and the TV1 reporter begins 17:49 minutes in.

We know vaccine injury and death is just a conspiracy theory because Jacinda Ardern said so during question time on the first day of vaccination for 5-11-year-olds. A reporter asked her to comment on protesters scaring people with stories of vaccine injuries and Ardern responded saying that the keyword was “allegedly“.

17:56 minutes into this video clip Ardern is asked about protesters claiming vaccine injury and says “allegedly”

Ardern should enlighten the Australian Federal Government that vaccine injury and death is just a conspiracy theory before it starts compensating Australians for their vaccine injuries.

Gunn has spent a considerable amount of time interviewing the vaccine injured and their families in New Zealand. Those stories are available on Voices for Freedom and the NZ Health Forum on Telegram after Facebook banned them for posting stories contradicting the government narrative that the Pfizer vaccine is safe and effective.

Some New Zealanders must learn to live with vaccine injuries after being coerced into vaccination to save their jobs or gain access to recreational events and facilities like libraries and council swimming pools.

Not content with claiming that Gunn is lying, Venuto, encouraged readers to feel sympathy for her claiming that she had fallen down the rabbit hole of conspiracy theory from her heydays as a reputable TV1 reporter. Venuto claimed that Gunn is sad and fearful of vaccination with an unhealthy interest in others’ perceived misfortune! Venuto should stick to business reporting in future.

In reality, Gunn is articulate and most likely has much better things to do with her time than spend hours listening to stories from vaccine injured New Zealanders and then wade into a hostile environment to give them the voice that mainstream media and the prime minister does not want them to have.

Unlike the mainstream media, Gunn is not paid to support the government narrative and she is refusing to close her eyes to the very real and suffering vaccine-injured here in New Zealand. For that, we all owe her a debt of gratitude.
