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Photo by Elmarie van Rooyen. The BFD

It’s important to remember, sometimes, just how easily appearances can be deceiving. So when a man says he wants to kill a policeman and, while carrying out that attempt, repeatedly yells “Allahu Akbar”, it’s important to note, at Stuff anyway, that the man is clearly not a Muslim.

Ruairi Kern Taylor recited passages from the Quran during his rampage on September 4 last year, despite not being Muslim.

Stuff didn’t feel the need to describe the gentleman as not a Catholic, or not a Presbyterian, or even not a Jehovah’s Witness. Perhaps he was Exclusive Brethren?


It’s also important to note that after fleeing for his life and being picked up by a fellow driving by, the policeman returned to the scene where “not a Muslim” was smashing the patrol car panels and windows whilst screaming passages from the Koran. All this occurred after “not a Muslim” had seen the police car pull over for a routine stop, performed a u-turn, turned up very loud “religious music” [probably ‘Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring’, known to render emotional states among its hearers] on his car’s sound system and rammed the officer’s vehicle before alighting with the tomahawk with which “not a Muslim” intended to take the policeman’s life.

“Not a Muslim” had only recently moved to the South Island where he had managed to attend his local mosque two or three times, according to the imam at Mataura Masjid Islamic Centre, Zamberi Mat Yunus.

It’s important, also, to remember that sentencing judge “Justice Dunningham also noted that Taylor was not a Muslim, which was fair enough, but he then went on to say that his offending was harmful to the Muslim community.” Well, how can that possibly be? The fellow was clearly not a Muslim. He was not sane either but he was definitely not a Muslim.

Justice Dunningham noted Taylor was not Muslim, and his offending was harmful to the Muslim community.

Don’t be easily fooled. Don’t believe everything you see, or hear.

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