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Labour’s Media Empire at Work. Cartoon credit SonovaMin. The BFD.
“Here is the deal – New Zealand stopped replacing itself in 2016. I encourage all of you to go out there and have more babies if you wish, that would be helpful.”

It’s true, he said those words. I should know – I was the one interviewing Luxon at the time. But the subsequent reporting of the comment risked unfairly miscontextualising Luxon’s words.

The comments were totally light-hearted and made in the context of a conversation about labour shortages and the pressures of an aging population. I can’t imagine any of the hundreds of people in the room construed Luxon’s joke as meaning anything more. As the person sitting next to him, I certainly never interpreted the comment as relating seriously to women’s healthcare. […]

Election campaigns are nasty affairs, but voters still deserve the truth.

The beat up from the left media has been severe. Yesterday morning, Newshub covered Nicola Willis’s response.

National’s Nicola Willis has unleashed on journalists for their questions after Christopher Luxon jokingly encouraged New Zealanders to “have more babies”.

Willis said some of the questions were “wrong” – saying one even likened the National leader’s comments to a policy introduced by Adolf Hitler in Nazi Germany.


Oh, yes. Indeed.

It didn’t take long for interested parties to track it down…

Even Comrade Martyn Bradbury was outraged.

The State Broadcaster just asked Nicola Willis to compare a flippant question by Luxon (that he wasn’t actually prepared to engage in intellectually with – and neither were our mainstream media for that matter), to the Nazi plan for genocide and industrialised white supremacy mass death cult???

The State Broadcaster asked that of the National Party? […]

I mean, you can’t as the State Broadcaster make a comment as unhinged as that!

TVNZ must urgently apologise [to the] National Party for such an insanely off the rocker question, the radioactivity of which damages those asked of it, those who hear it and ultimately the person asking it!

The Daily Blog

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The First Falcons of Spring

The First Falcons of Spring

The Collins St falcons are, like Japan’s Nara island where wild deer are strictly protected, an example of how the simplest human adaptations can help wildlife thrive in cities.

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