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Media, Start Telling the Truth

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – OCTOBER 12: Supporters of both Israel and Palestine engage with each other at Columbia University on October 12, 2023 in New York City. Across the country and around the world, people are holding rallies and vigils for both Palestinians and Israelis following last weekends attack by Hamas. The attack, which killed over 1000 Israelis, has resulted in a bombardment of Gaza by the Israeli military. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

Let’s stop even pretending that the hateful, useless idiots marching around the world are anything but supporters of the world’s most disgusting terrorist group since ISIS, or the NSDAP. The media and the chattering left can call them ‘pro-Palestine’ all they like, but then, these are the same liars and cretins who try and tell us that mutilated male fetishists are ‘women’.

We know what they are: anti-Israel rallies, at best. Most often, though, they’re outright pro-Hamas rallies.

Speakers who make the case for eliminating the Jewish state, and chant ‘from the river to the sea’ are making the Hamas case for a single state called ‘Palestine’, in which any Jews who were allowed to remain would be part of a persecuted minority.

More like, they’d just be murdered en masse, as they were on October 7. ‘From the river to the sea’ would be a bloodbath to make even Treblinka and Bergen-Belsen look like holiday camps.

Demonstrators who call for “Intifada,” wave signs accusing Israel of ethnic cleansing and genocide, and justify the slaughter of Israeli civilians as a form of “resistance” are indistinguishable from the average Hamas protesters at Palestinian colleges […]

The images and videos from the post-October 7 protests are nothing like the protests led by King, Gandhi or Thoreau. Rather, they are one part Frantz Fanon, who justified violence to achieve his goals and popularized the phrase, “By Any Means Necessary,” one part Hamas, and one part Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s Minister of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda.

Try as the media might to draw a discreet veil over the festering anti-Semitism of the “pro-Palestine” left, the truth is there for all to see.

On October 10, “pro-Palestine” demonstrators outside the iconic Sydney Opera House in Australia chanted “F—k the Jews,” and “Gas the Jews.” They also chanted “Allahu Akbar.”

Not to be outdone, in London, where antisemitic hate crimes are up 1,350 per cent according to police, “pro-Palestine” protestors chanted, “Oh Jews, the army of Muhammad is coming.”

At MIT and the George Washington University, clever “pro-Palestine” protestors found a way to marry Nazi and Palestinian rhetoric with the chant, “There is only one solution – intifada, revolution.”

At Saturday’s “Flood Brooklyn for Gaza” protest in Crown Heights, Brooklyn (which the NYPD advised Jews to avoid), 7,000 of them gathered, “openly cheering Hamas terrorists’ barbaric attacks on Israel – and justifying the murders of innocent mothers and babies,” according to the New York Post.

It’s impossible to examine the photo and video evidence taken at the “pro-Palestine” rallies and conclude that they are anything other than pro-Hamas, anti-Israel rallies, brimming with a carnival atmosphere not unlike the Nuremberg rallies of the 1930s. The very resemblance so shocked German chancellor Olaf Scholz that he proclaimed himself personally, “deeply outraged by the way in which antisemitic hatred and inhuman agitation have been breaking out since that fateful October 7, on the internet, in social media around the world, and shamefully also here in Germany.”

My, how the tables have turned. Nearly 80 years after the defeat of Nazism, German leaders are showing up the leaders of the American, Australian and New Zealand left, and the media, on antisemitism.

So listen up all you tools at ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, Reuters, the Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, Associated Press, VOA, NPR, Al Jazeera, and especially the New York Times – spare us the euphemistic garbage about “pro-Palestine” rallies in your reporting.

The Investigative Project on Terrorism

Same goes for you, ABC Australia, Stuff, NZ Herald and Newshub. Call them what they are: pro-Hamas, extremist-hate rallies.

You know it when you see it, remember?
