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Medical Profession Recalls What a Spine Is

person's blue eyeshadow
Photo by Kyle

One of the major reasons the sleazy, deranged transgender ideology achieved near-hegemony so quickly is the sheer gutlessness of those who very much know better.

We shouldn’t expect anything less than prolix cretinism, of course, from social ‘science’ or ‘gender studies’ academics, but biologists, doctors, psychiatrists, pediatricians – all of them – should have known better. Some of them should have even had the courage to defend their disciplines from obvious charlatanism.

Almost none of them did.

Some, at last, are finally daring to stand up and say the obvious: transgenderism is a dangerous lie.

Well, sort of.

The peak psychiatry college has become the first medical body in the country to acknowledge shifting international evidence on transgender healthcare and puberty blockers in a major position statement challenging the approach of children’s hospitals.

The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists declined to endorse gender ­affirming care as the key intervention for children who believe they may be transgender, highlighting an increasingly cautious approach in some European countries amid a lack of evidence for the medical pathway.

It acknowledged the plight of detransitioners, who it noted had reported being harmed by medical transition.

The statement is a long-overdue challenge to the spurious, evidence-poor quackery of so-called ‘gender-affirming care’.

The RANZCP position statement, drafted by a committee of senior psychiatrists, for the first time acknowledges a range of professional opinions over the best approach to treating children with gender distress, and references the fallout the Cass review in Britain called to examine concerns of clinical governance and lack of appropriate comprehensive healthcare at the Tavistock clinic in London, where thousands of children were rushed on to hormone treatments.

The statement also, if only indirectly, acknowledges that much of so-called ‘gender dysphoria’ is really just a co-morbidity of other conditions.

“There is a range of recommendations regarding the care of children and adolescents with gender incongruence/gender dysphoria. These include caution on the use of hormonal and surgical treatment, screening for potential coexisting conditions (autism spectrum disorder and ADHD), arranging appropriate service provision for these conditions, and offering psychosocial support to explore gender identity during diagnostic assessment.

Far easier – and increasingly more lucrative – to bung them on chemical castration drugs and whip their ‘problematic’ penises and breasts off.

Leading psychiatrists who have questioned the role of trans-activism in affirmative healthcare and raised concerns as to its evidence base welcomed the new guidelines as a “totally radical and new” contribution to an issue that was increasingly prompting a “civil war within medicine”.

“In my opinion, it is unconscionable that gender-affirming medical-based care has grown rapidly across Australia in the last decade despite the reality that we simply don’t know how many kids change their minds,” said Andrew Amos, an academic psychiatrist at the James Cook University.

“This is particularly damaging because medical/surgical transition require lifelong care, with potentially catastrophic ­effects of detransitioning later in life.”

That’s the good part. Unfortunately, the college can’t quite summon the courage to tackle the core lie at the heart of transgender ideology.

The college has also issued an unambiguous statement defining sex as a biological characteristic – a statement in opposition to the notion put forward by trans activists that sex is a concept related to identity rather than a binary state.

“Sex refers to the biological characteristics that define humans as female or male,” the position statement says. “While these sets of biological characteristics are not mutually exclusive, as there are individuals who possess both, they differentiate humans as males and females in the vast ­majority of people.”

The Australian

The problem with this statement is that it’s a chicken-livered dodge. Because it leaves unchallenged the central dogma of transgenderism: that ‘sex’ and ‘gender’ are two distinct qualities, rather than the same thing. This was always true, until a handful of sleazy academics – starting with the horrifying paedophile and NZ-born psychologist John Money – deliberately tried to manipulate language to pretend otherwise.

Even Money’s own perverted experiments falsified his thesis. Yet, today, that claim, that sex and gender are separate, is allowed to go almost unchallenged.

Until the medical profession stops pfaffing around on the motte and lays siege to the flimsy bailey, this sleazy, predatory ideology won’t be thrown onto the same rubbish heap as phrenology and frontal lobotomy.
