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Medivac Con Nixed, but Ominous Questions Remain for NZ

A much-welcome breath of sanity wafted through the Australian parliament this week, with the repeal of the idiotic “medivac” legislation.

Medivac was a deliberate white-anting of Australia’s border-protection laws foisted on us by multimillionaire green numpties from the Harbourside Mansion set, like Kerryn Phelps. It was a blatant scam to allow phoney refugees who had no chance of ever being allowed in Australia to slither under the legislative fence. All a fake “asylum seeker” had to do was fake a sickie over video-link, and some white-coated virtue-signaller in a cushy office in Australia could sign their free pass to a lifetime of welfare.

The repeal of this stupid, mendacious bill was absolutely necessary. Not just a political win for the Morrison government, but a national security win for the Australian people.

Scott Morrison has scored a major political victory by repealing the controversial medivac legislation, delivering on a key election pledge, as a row ignites over whether he struck a “secret deal” with crossbencher Jacqui Lambie.

The laws, which made it easier for refugees in offshore detention to be brought to Australia to receive medical treatment, was scrapped during a tense debate in the Senate on Wednesday. The final vote was 37 to 35.

There were some odd theatrics involved, though. With possibly ominous repercussions for New Zealanders.

Senator Lambie, who delivered the government victory, broke down in tears as she told the chamber she would support the medivac repeal bill […]The crucial crossbencher had previously been tight-lipped on whether she would vote with the government.

Senator Lambie told the Senate, the medivac laws were a national security threat and there were “real problems” with the way they were operating.

“There are problems that sit at the centre of its operation. They cannot be amended away,” Senator Lambie said. “The Labor Party and the Greens might think everything is A-OK, but I’m not comfortable with it and I’ll tell you — they know as well as anybody else that this isn’t right.”

But what has all this got to do with New Zealand? Well, this:

While the government’s chief negotiator Finance Minister and Senate leader, Mathias Cormann, denied a secret deal was struck, Senator Lambie said she couldn’t reveal the proposal worked on with the coalition for national security reasons.

There are rumours in the New Zealand and Australian media that Lambie’s deal would hinge on shoving off the shiftless leeches on Manus and Nauru to New Zealand. It would be odd, though, for the government to agree unless they can find a way to make sure that these fakefugees are stopped from using New Zealand as a backdoor to slithering into Australia. Which, in turn, could have ominous repercussions for New Zealanders, who currently enjoy mostly open access to Australia.

But why was it so important to nix the medivac bill?

More than 20 refugees approved for relocation in the US have ­instead been flown to Australia under the medivac regime, fuelling concern that the laws are undermining third-country resettle­ment efforts.

The Australian can also reveal that an Iranian man, found not to be a refugee and who had been charged with property damage after deliberately setting alight an accommodation block in Manus, will be transferred to Australia on health grounds under the Labor-backed medical transfer system.

The man, who has a military background, has been involved in nearly 70 incidents during his time in Manus, which include ­assault and abusive conduct.

He had also liked content on Facebook showing women being executed.

There were dozens of cases of “sick” illegals refusing medical tests – in fact, any kind of medical treatment – once they set foot in Australia. Others hand-waved through by moronic medicos included wife-bashers and child molesters.

These are the type of people the left have so much “compassion” for. Ordinary, law-abiding Australians and New Zealanders can go to hell.
