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“Medivac” Illegal Immigrant Con Exposed

Afghan nurse Mohammad Noor, left, with pediatrician James Auto at Nauru Hospital. Picture: Glenn Hunt

Did anyone seriously believe that the so-called “medivac” laws were anything but an obvious ruse designed to water down Australia’s rigorous border protection regime?

Of course, here-today-mercifully-gone-tomorrow millionaire playing at being a politician, Kerryn Phelps, mouthed a few platitudes about “compassion”. But it was obvious from the gleeful reactions of Labor and the Greens that the real intent was to foist their open borders delusions on the Australian people by any means necessary. Never mind that Australians have voted repeatedly for strong borders.

Now, the shiftless grifters lounging in Australian run-and-paid-for holiday resorts detention centres are proving just how obviously fake the whole sideshow really is.

Five people who refused to accept medical treatment after being transferred to Australia under contentious refugee medivac laws were diagnosed via teleconference with conditions including dermatitis, abdominal pain and dental pain.
In two cases, specialist care was recommended for men who claimed dental problems with one saying he had been prevented from eating solid foods although both individuals did not seek further assistance after their transfer.

Well, duh. All they had to do was get on video chat and say “Ouchy” a few times, and white-coated open-borders zealots in Australia blissfully signed their free pass to a lifetime of welfare payments.

Just to prove they’re faking it, the malingering freeloaders are deliberately avoiding the very tests that might expose their lying opportunism.

While five transferees have refused any treatment, about 40 have turned down relevant pathology tests and X-rays, triggering new warnings from government MPs on Tuesday that the legislation was being “gamed”.
The number of asylum-­seekers and refugees seeking transfers under the medivac legislation has steadily increased and spiked in October, with 120 ­submitting applications that month. Two weeks ago, 562 ­remained in Papua New Guinea and Nauru […]
Since the legislation came into force in March, 136 people have been brought from PNG and Nauru to Australia to receive medical assistance.
Of these, about 45 have ­partially or completely refused to accept the medical treatment on offer.
The five individuals who have refused all treatment are men aged from 29-37 and were initially assessed by teleconference or video […]
Former immigration minister Kevin Andrews told The Australian: “The level of rejection and partial rejection of treatments clearly indicates that the scheme is being gamed.”

Still, there is no shortage of suckers drunk on their own phony “compassion”.

The government needs four crossbench votes to pass its planned medivac repeal, but will not win over the Centre Alliance, which holds two upper house seats.
Centre Alliance senator Stirling Griff told The Australian he was not convinced the numbers of transferees who were partially or completely rejecting medical treatment under the legislation was a compelling reason to repeal the new law.

Unfortunately, there’s no cure for stupidity.
