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The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

When Bill Shorten lost the 2019 election, it was a complete shock to the commentariat (not to mention Bill himself, who had reportedly already booked the movers, ready to relocate to Canberra). But should it have been such a surprise? It was easy to overlook, given the apparent decisiveness of polling, but Shorten had an enormous credibility gap — with voters of both sides.

It’s not for nothing that Shorten was widely nicknamed “Shifty”. As an inner Melbourne mural showed, green-left voters didn’t trust Shorten to deliver the goods on climate change policy. At the same time, voters in the regions didn’t swallow his supposed commitment to resources jobs.

Shorten’s successor is in much the same pre-poll position — and has much the same credibility gap.

“Each-Way Albo” wants blue-collar voters to believe that he’s a traditional Labor man, while trying to signal to “progressives” that he’s a rainbow-dyed wokester. He can’t have it both ways for long.

Anthony Albanese has incensed LGBTQ+ activists by saying men can’t have babies, but the public don’t believe him when he says he’s not Woke.

His declaration comes from the same reservoir of common sense that drives Christian and Muslim schools to have policies keeping males out of girls’ toilets and sports.

Now, Albo stands accused of being an ‘anti-trans’ bigot by social media […]

Before anyone gets too excited about Albo becoming a born-again social conservative, it’s worth remembering that just a few weeks ago he was soaking up the adulation from the gender-fluid crowd at Sydney’s Mardi Gras.

It’s doubly ironic that Albanese chose to wave his little rainbow flag alongside Penny Wong, one of Labor’s “mean girls” bullies. Wong for years derided the very idea of gay marriage, before switching sides the instant the polls said it was safe to do so.

The Labor leader’s declaration this week to The Daily Telegraph’s Joe Hildebrand that he is not ‘woke’ and his apparent repudiation of LGBTQ+ ideology should be taken with a grain of salt.

It does, however, represent progress in the growing mainstream push-back on rainbow ideology […]

The day political leaders like Albo got wedged by the ridiculous agenda of rainbow politics was always coming.

As another Australian politician once said, you can’t walk along a barbed-wire fence with a foot in each paddock. Try as he might, Albanese is rapidly winding up with a barbed-wire wedgie. When asked directly if he believed that men can have babies, Albanese quickly denied it. Because he had to: he knew he’d look like a fool to the millions of Australians in suburban seats, who are growing increasingly dismayed at the creep of wokeism.

The big problem for Albanese is that his denial directly contradicts his own party platform.

The 2021 ALP National Platform clearly believes men can have babies.

It would not be requiring a future Labor government to provide information about ‘reproductive health’ to people of ‘all gender identities’ (see page 140, paragraph 3) if it did not.

Labor’s policy says pregnant men must have access to Medicare.

Ordinary Australians lodged a postal survey in favour of gay marriage in good faith: they were told, after all, that it was “just about gay marriage”. There was no slippery slope, they were promised.

Yet, just a few years later, their kids are being subsumed by transgender indoctrination from almost the instant they set foot in school.

Labor in office would go even further.

The clause about taxpayer-funded sex-change operations seemingly includes minors where it refers to ‘young people’ […]

When Albo says he’s not woke and that he’s mainstream, don’t believe him. He’s of the Labor Left – the same crowd that laced the ALP National Platform with rainbow ideology.

He’s planning to use your taxes to fund ‘men’ having babies and kids having sex-change operations.

Spectator Australia

And if you don’t like it, they’ll just take your kids away. It’s already happened in “progressive” Canada, and it’s happening here.
