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The face you make when you say the dumbest thing yet about Gaza.

You’ve got to hand it to them: every time we think the ‘pro-Palestine’ left couldn’t be even more offensively stupid than they already are, they come right out and prove us wrong. Whether it’s hateful numpties like Chloe Swarbrick bellowing the Hamas genocide chant, or obnoxious harpy Clementine Ford sneering that she doesn’t care about the hundred of Jewish women raped, tortured, murdered and mutilated on 7 October, hardly a day goes by without these green-brownshirts covering themselves with fresh filth.

Enter Michael Moore.

The corpulent communist is a barrel just waiting to be scraped and he hasn’t let his cretinous team down.

I honestly couldn’t believe this was real.

Sure, I could believe that noted moron Michael Moore would say something stupid about Israel and Palestine. And sure I could believe that he’d want to direct hate at white Christians.


Even the Babylon Bee would have rejected this story as too ludicrous to be real… except for the jaw-dropping fact that it is.

“According to my knowledge of history, the enemies of Israel… the Jewish people of this world have been persecuted for 5,000 years. For the last 2,000 years, most of the persecution has come from white European-centric Christians. That’s been your enemy.”

His ‘knowledge of history’ is about as deep as his knowledge of hunger.

It’s not like Jews have been locked-in struggles in the Middle East since, you know, Isaac and Ishmael. And the centiuries-long wars against the Philistines, which is where the name “Palestinian” comes from. And the millennia-long struggle to keep foreign empires out of Israel’s territory, including a thousand years of Muslim rule.

Indeed, it’s not as if Muhammad was a virulent antisemite who massacred Jews – something Muslims brag about to this day. Indeed, the Islamic daily prayer, Al-Fatiha, explicitly curses Jews. Islamic scripture heaps repeated violent imprecations on Jews. Muhammad’s followers have been putting those imprecations into violent practice for nearly 1400 years.

Which isn’t to deny European antisemitism, of course. But even the Inquisition, which Moore particularly harps on about, killed fewer Jews in four centuries than Palestinians did on just one day, 7 October. Which is not even reckoning with the death toll of over the last century of Palestinian and Arab pogroms.

Then Moore outdoes himself with fatuous stupidity:

“Your enemy is not the Palestinian people!”

Oh, really? Remind us who massacred over 1200 Jews, with mind-boggling bloodlust, on 7 October? Who lined the streets of Gaza to jeer and laugh as the mutilated corpses of raped Jewish girls were paraded like grisly trophies?

Was it a group of Southern Baptists? Radical Mennonites?

Oh, no. That’s right.

It was Muslim jihadis, who repeat the exact same thing wherever they go.

Not The Bee

But that’s the fundamental problem for ‘pro-Palestine’ leftist anti-Semites: their beloved ‘Palestinians’ are murderous savages whose children are brought up from the cradle to hate Jews. So, idiot antisemites desperately reach back into an imaginary past, while ignoring the very real present.
