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Middle East Mayhem a Wake Up Call to the Free World

Oh, Iran, you scallywags! The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Some might deem this article harsh. They would be right. I am writing about the realities the free world has to deal with as a result of the war in the Middle East. They are all risking the peace and order of the world. I intend to be harsh on the Muslims who belong to terrorist groups. In this country Muslims are by and large peaceful people but even they are not safe from evil. They themselves suffered fatalities in the Christchurch mosque attacks.

The situation in the Middle East in regard to Muslims is a somewhat different story. Many of these people exhibit a propensity to show a hatred towards others that is beyond what most would consider acceptable normal human behaviour. In their quest to achieve their aims, they care for nobody, not even their own. They commit unspeakable atrocities all in the name of their God. The Middle East as a whole should be looked at under several headings.


The geopolitics of the countries that make up the Arab world have them, to a degree, at odds with each other. Saudi Arabia v Iran is a case in point. In an article for Geopolitical Futures, Kamran Bokhari states that Iran has long taken advantage of weaknesses among countries in the region, particularly in regards to Israel, and built a broad sphere of influence in the Middle East. It finances most of the terrorist groups, including the Houthis that are currently causing mayhem by bombing ships passing through the Red Sea. They have been doing this with relative impunity until America recently became involved.

Saudi Arabia has been at war with the Houthis for some decades but hostilities were halted in 2022 and it has since been trying to reach an accommodation with Iran. Diplomatic relations were restored last June. It has urged America to exercise restraint in dealing with the Houthis as it fears the risk of increasing tensions in the region. Saudi Arabia has also been trying to normalise relations with Israel but this was torpedoed by the October 7 attack. It is looked upon as the de facto leader of the Arab world and feels it has some responsibility to end the war between Israel and Hamas.


The three most prominent and powerful, Hamas, Hezbollah and Houthis, represent Hate, Hate and Hate. Their hate is all directed, for the moment, at one country and one race: Israel and the Jewish people. They don’t care how they achieve their aim. They don’t care who they kill, even their own. I presume they consider the slaughter of their own as simply making them so-called martyrs to the cause. A myriad of angels no doubt awaits them in Paradise.

Hamas, in the current conflict, are committing unspeakable acts of barbarism that any sane person considers inhuman. The Palestinians of Gaza voted Hamas as the organisation they wanted to govern them. Recent polls have shown that support continuing. However I have viewed some video clips recently of Palestinians saying it is not Israel but Hamas that are the cause of their ills. Whether the people want to be ruled by Hamas or not, Hamas doesn’t care one jot for them.

Some would say by voting for Hamas they have lost their right to be called Palestinians and Hamas is what they should be called.

Hamas is solely to blame for the current woes of the people of Gaza. Senator Ted Cruz says there is no Israeli occupation of Gaza or the West Bank: “This is a lie – and it is a lie the radical left pushes.” He says Israel got out and left them to it and the result is what we see today. The last thing on the minds of Hamas is looking after their people. They exist purely to exterminate Israel and that is all they care about.

According to Cruz, Hamas takes most of the food provided by the UN. He says they turn the pipes provided to improve the water supply into rockets by cutting them up and filling them with ball bearings and the like. He makes the point that these crudely made rockets can land anywhere, and some have landed in Gaza itself causing damage and loss of life. Little does Hamas care. The Middle East will never see peace and Israel will be constantly attacked for as long as these terrorists are allowed to exist.


Be under no illusion: Israel is fighting this war not just for itself but on behalf of the free world. The Jewish people have come under this type of threat many times in their history, most notably in the Second World War. ‘Once bitten twice shy’ seems no more than a platitude in this instance but it is no less applicable to the current situation. Israel must rid the Middle East of terror groups. It will not be easy and it will not be quick. There are one or two Arab countries which, even if not openly, are supportive of Israel in its endeavours in this regard.

We have to be thankful that Israel over the years has put the defence of its country as its top priority. They have some of the most-advanced military hardware, which is enabling them to get the upper hand in the current conflict. They have well-developed strategies that enable them to make rapid advances and weaponry that is designed to hit targets. As with the brilliant inventions they offer the world, their mastery in the theatre of war is no less impressive.


There is much at stake in ensuring Israel prevails. The terrorist groups, should they succeed, have no intention of stopping with Israel. The bottom line is this is a religious war. Those who think this is simply a skirmish between Israel and Hamas are sorely mistaken. For the terrorists this is not just about Israel. Israel is just the first bus stop on the route to Muslim religious domination throughout the world. And it’s not just Jews they hate: Christians will also be targets along with anyone else who chooses to disagree with them.

This is why the West and the free world have to ensure Israel is given all necessary assistance to meet its aims. America may yet have a bigger role to play – how it deals with Iran. Iran is the trunk of the tree of all evil. From its trunk spread the branches representing the terror groups and it’s the money tree they all rely on for funding to carry out their heinous crimes. Who funds Iran and where do they get their money from?


Well, what a surprise! The ignorant naive clueless leaders of the political left in America are doing their best to ensure Iran can carry on its reign of terror by supplying them with the necessary cash, while purportedly standing with Israel. In her podcast with Senator Ted Cruz, Megyn Kelly played a clip of Barack Obama not blaming himself but saying all Americans are complicit for the current situation in the Middle East. He tried to find solutions, he says, and has the scars to prove it. He still asks himself if he could have done more.

The reply from Ted Cruz was “What complete and utter bulls**t. Here’s an idea: don’t give 100 BILLION DOLLARS to Iran,” which is what Obama did. And now, with corrupt, degenerate old Sleepy Joe, America is back on the same path – giving money to Iran that is being used not only to fund the terror groups but to enable them to develop nuclear weapons. Israel has every right to question the sincerity and the commitment from Biden. It has every reason to question the man’s integrity and friendship towards the country. The West and the free world are in need of a strong leader.


I am aware of many hands possibly being raised in horror or people laughing their heads off. The man is not perfect: none of us is. Sure, he’s all about him and he feeds his own ego, which is akin in size to Mount Everest. But, much of what he gives himself credit for is actually true. You don’t have to necessarily like him, but do ask yourself: Are Trump’s irritating personality traits more important than world peace?

The rational answer is surely no, they’re not. Here’s the thing: there were no wars the size of the two currently raging when Trump was president. The reason lies in his strategies.

Some wonder at his strategy in becoming ‘friendly’ with the likes of Putin and Kim Jong Un. He didn’t do it because he wanted them as friends. He wanted to get to know them so as to open dialogue. He also wanted them to know that what he said is what would happen. Putin was told if he made a move with Ukraine then Moscow would be bombed. He also made it clear to Kim not to make any aggressive moves. China was given a similar message. Funds to Iran were frozen so there was no money on the tree.

The result ensured everyone stayed in their little hidey holes waiting for the arrival of poor half-senile old Joe. Then they made their moves.

Now we live in a much more dangerous world. You have to have someone in charge who has their wits about them and can stand up to dictators. Someone who can fight fire with fire and match threats with threats. Someone who, when he says he will do something, the potential aggressor believes it.

That man, like it or not, is Donald J Trump.


What is happening in both the Middle East and Russia is a wake up call to the West and all freedom-loving countries around the world. Particularly so in regard to the Middle East as, if Israel were to lose, the rest of the world would be in immediate danger. This is an unthinkable situation and cannot be allowed to happen. Israel needs friends it can count on and Trump is one such friend.

North Korea, Russia, Iran, China and the terror groups all need to be dealt to in varying degrees of severity. These people need to know there is a leader of the free world who is prepared to take them on and his word needs to be taken seriously. They need to know they are up against someone who doesn’t just talk the talk but walks the walk and that actions speak louder than words. If the current situation is allowed to carry on, another world war is not out of the question.

We need a leader in power who will stop it. His name is given above. Alternative suggestions are welcome.
