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Middle New Zealand Has Stirred from Its Slumber

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It concerns me immensely that it has taken three years for the National Party to see the wisdom of appointing Judith Collins as their leader. I was of the opinion that political parties are elected by the people for the people. Elected members are there because the electorate has chosen them to represent an ideological preference. In real terms, they are accountable to us. It has been made blindingly obvious that the party leadership has been a major problem. What is worse is that the electorate, by and large, has been screaming from the rooftops that the way past this was to appoint a leader that best represented National’s political ideology. And by the length of the straight, it was clearly Judith Collins. What really concerns me is why weren’t they listening? Was it the “swamp” protecting the swamp dwellers?

The BFD Cartoon credit Sharon Murdoch

The MSM has suggested that the reason a rather large number of National MPs are resigning indicates the rats are abandoning a sinking ship. Of course they are. The reason the ship was sinking was because it was overloaded with dead wood woke. The last thing National needed was a sisterhood of Ardern mini-mes.

The BFD. Cartoon credit: Rod Emmerson

Kindness is a natural trait we all possess, and the kindest thing National can do is to rid us of the blatantly pretentious syrup oozing out of the mouth of Ardern. Judith Collins, and to a slightly lesser degree, Nicola Willis are two women who understand the needs of all New Zealanders. Dr Shane Reti, who has been appointed to health, and Simon Bridges to law are two other very logical choices. Not one of these four was selected to accommodate the patronising diversity nonsense. Though Gerry Brownlee, it could be suggested, was appointed to deputy as a nod to us old white males!

The next step I advocate is that Judith engage with ACT leader, David Seymour. A Collins PM and Seymour deputy would sink the woke boat without trace. We can live in hope. Middle New Zealanders have stirred from their slumber and are starting to smell the roses. The political landscape is experiencing an exciting transition to the right and that is only after one week of Judith. I know Judith thinks the election is clearly there for the taking, and do you know what? I do too. I think New Zealanders are becoming more aware that Ardern is but a one-trick pony. The fog is lifting and the sun is breaking through. Three years with the curtains drawn could be over. Bring it on.

The BFD. Cartoon credit SonovaMin

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