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Mindless World Class Sycophancy

brain dead stupid hamster on a wheel inside head brain

Sir Bob Jones

Just for a moment assume a dramatic news event. Specifically, Jacinda is arrested for among other atrocities, throttling three newborn Maori babies, sustained vile acts of cruelty to kittens, heading a massive illegal drugs-importing racket and running a highly sophisticated nation-wide shop-lifting ring.

All of that would be a world-wide news-item and certainly have us all stunned. However, in these strange times anything is possible so we shouldn’t lightly dismiss the possibility of such an occurrence.

But, the highlight would be the absolute gilt-edge certainty of the New Zealand Herald publishing a letter within days from a Reg Dempster, explaining it all away.

If mindless brain-dead sycophantic hero-worshipping was an Olympic event, Reg would enter our sporting annals as New Zealand’s greatest ever athlete as he captured the gold every four years for his relentless “second-coming” letters to the editor re the P.M.

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