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Mission Accomplished: Back to Being a Man [Updated: Fake News]

That’s a man, baby! The BFD.

Never let it be said that “transgender” athletes are a bunch of fourth-rate male chancers. How dare anyone suggest that male losers are cynically pretending to be women, just to take advantage of the innate male physical advantages over female athletes.


The original source of this post has since retracted their story, claiming that they were duped. All relevant sections of this post will be highlighted.

Apologies to BFD readers – sometimes even we get caught out.

I mean, it’s not like someone who was an absolute nobody as a male athlete would “transition” and clean up in women’s sports, and then slip back into being a man again.

Surely not.

In a recent interview with ALLOD Sports correspondent Skip Tetheludah, NCAA Champion Lia Thomas came out saying she [he] had achieved all her [his] goals and now wishes to return as a male.

“I’ve accomplished my goals. I think I did all I set out to do. I won first place in the 500 and I dated a man as a woman. I think I’ve reached the end of this journey.”

According to Lia Thomas, she [he] has achieved all the milestones as a female swimmer and her [his] journey has come to an end.
That’s a man, baby! The BFD.

He’s not even hiding it, just like his penis. His goal was only ever to make a name for himself as a “female” swimmer, where he couldn’t as a male.

Just to remind everyone, these are the highlights of Thomas’ time as a male swimmer in National Collegiate Athletic Association competition: 554th in the 200 freestyle, 65th in the 500 freestyle and 32nd in the 1650 freestyle.

As a “female”, he moved to fifth, first and eighth in those respective events on the women’s deck.

Even more notably as a “female” swimmer, Thomas was objectively no better than he was as a man. If anything, slightly worse. Thomas’ personal best times in several divisions actually deteriorated. Much of this was due to the mandatory hormone treatments a “transgender” athlete must undergo. But the fact that innate biological advantage persisted is borne out by the numbers.

For instance, in 200m freestyle, Thomas’ “female” time was 3.76% slower than his male time. Yet, even that isn’t even half the average male advantage of 8%. The same goes for the 500m freestyle: Thomas’ “female” time was 6% less than his male: just under half the average male advantage of 11%.

Does anyone really think the whole thing wasn’t a scam put on by a male z-grade loser?

She [he] even felt guilty about blocking the titles from female swimmers.


Blocking the titles from female swimmers. That’s what we call “saying the quiet part out loud”.

Because that’s all it was ever about: a male athlete blocking female athletes from winning female titles.

It’s surely just coincidental, too, that Thomas is jumping back into the men’s locker room, right as athletics codes move to ban “transgender” athletes from women’s competitions.

Mission accomplished, he’s just going to stop even pretending to be a woman.
