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Stuff has received an email from the Prime Minister’s chief press secretary, Andrew Campbell. Apparently, it was sent by mistake from a staffer in Megan Woods’s office. Sure it was a mistake…if you believe that then I have a negative Covid test I can sell you:

The Government is concerned about the perception that its new housing policy will raise rents, according to an email from the Beehive which was accidentally sent to Stuff.

The email, from the prime minister’s chief press secretary Andrew Campbell was sent to the press and policy teams in the offices of Housing Minister Megan Woods and Finance Minister Grant Robertson.

Campbell said it is a regular email he sends on a Monday morning, gathering information from Beehive offices to brief Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern on any topic she might face in her Monday afternoon press conference.

The email gives a rare glimpse into the Beehive’s spin operation.


I bet it does. The fools in the engine room of Labour, university politics graduates with NCEA Level One strategy skills.

The BFD. Destruction. Cartoon credit SonovaMin
“I assume rents will come up at post-cab today,” Campbell said. He also noted that “a bit” of the correspondence Ardern had received from voters related to rent increases.

Campbell sought advice on six topics:

“Can we get a table rent increases year on year since been in Govt year on year compared to increase in wages and house prices [sic].

“My understanding rents have been in line with average wage growth and obviously a lot less than house price growth,” Campbell wrote.

“Do we know if our rent increases have been in line with increases under National? If they have been that would be good to point out,” he said.


So Stuff has outed their spin…you’ve got to laugh. Stuff is taking millions in subsidies but they’ve actually had the stones to call the government out. Of course, they are shameless about it:

Speaking to Stuff about the incident, Campbell said the email was a standard part of the Beehive’s Monday morning routine.

“Every Monday I send out an email to offices requesting information on the topics that are likely to come out,”

“There is nothing unusual about it, it is a standard email requesting information on the topics that are likely to come up at post-cab,” he said.

Campbell’s email asked for a list of measures that the Government had taken “to limit impact of rent increases”.

Ardern had already fronted media on the issue of rising rents, and suggested that rents didn’t increase as a result of the Government’s healthy homes standards, although Campbell’s email note that her office wanted evidence to prove she was right.

“PM also spoke this morning to argument rents would increase as a result of Healthy Homes and suggested that didn’t happen – is there evidence we can point to show that didn’t happen?” he said.


Good luck with that. Who are they going to ask? Treasury? They just dumped all over Treasury, so that’s not a starter.

The problem these fools in Labour have is that they are economic dunces. They are also university grade politicians with no real world experience. They’ve decided that all the economists and all the Treasury officials and all the accountants out there are wrong and that they are right.

They are about to learn just how wrong they are.
