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British Home Secretary Sir Robert Peel is regarded as the father of modern policing. His Metropolitan Police Act received royal assent in 1829, and the Metropolitan Police Service in London was formed in September of that year. The first modern and professional Police force in the world, its founding was heavily influenced by the social and legal philosophy of Jeremy Bentham.

Bentham called for a strong and centralised, but politically neutral, police force for the maintenance of social order, for the protection of people from crime, and to act as a visible deterrent to crime and disorder.

The two central tenets of modern policing, then, are political neutrality and a focus on deterrence. As Peel often said: “The police are the public and the public are the police.” Policing in a free society, as opposed to the policing of dictatorship and tyranny, meant consistently and comprehensively upholding the established order. By contrast, in the un-free world, police operate under political instruction, act selectively, and do not necessarily align themselves with the public interest — especially where the ‘public interest’ has become subjective.

The policing of Peel was colour-blind. Race did not matter. Society was founded upon objective truth, and there was one law for all. Then along came multiculturalism.

Multiculturalism is the tool of the Marxist social revolution based on moral relativism which has reshaped our society  The leftists who have taken over the ship no longer permit an absolute or established truth, maintaining instead that the subjective ‘truths’ of favoured special interest groups have equal, or even preferential, validity. These ‘truths’ are often competing. Take, for example, the ‘requirements’ of the gay rights lobby and of Islam. And that’s the whole point. By upholding all, a state of perpetual conflict is established, anarchy prevails, and we are eventually left with nothing.

Nothing, at least, of the established order and the free society which we know and love, and wish to see effectively policed.

The Telegraph reported on two protests last week, one large and damaging, the other small and innocuous. The small protest involved a congregation at Speaker’s Corner in Hyde Park to protest the lockdown, which still continues. Police piled into the 73-year-old organiser, arresting him for breaching lockdown conditions and manhandling the protestors before dispersing them. All the organiser had done was make a speech through a megaphone to a few people with placards.

The second protest related to Black Lives Matter, and was sparked by the death of a black man at the hands of police in the United States. Thousands were ’triggered’ and rampaged through the streets of London, damaging property and, of course, breaching the lockdown conditions in a far more egregious manner. Faced with this, the police looked on as if spectators at a cultural event, and took no action at all.

Television personality Piers Morgan, who has zealously advocated for lockdown enforcement (claiming that those who broke the rules were responsible for killing others), displayed remarkable hypocrisy by stating that he was ‘proud’ of his son for attending the riot. Because social distancing doesn’t matter when it’s a cause the liberal metropolitan elite believes in.

This cause, which has been taken up in great numbers, appears to have captured the heart and mind of every whining, white, liberal, left-wing, metropolitan woman south of the Watford Gap. Probably as pay-back for that other Great Evil known as Brexit.

Near Downing Street, the memorial to Earl Haig, Commander in Chief of the British Armies in France from 1915 to 1918, had been repeatedly spray-painted by these middle-class anarchists with the acronym ‘ACAB’ – meaning ‘All Coppers Are Bastards’. Video subsequently emerged of members of the Household Cavalry cleaning it up while a crowd watches two women haranguing them about their ‘precious memorial’.

The truth which these protesters refuse to accept is that the free societies of the West are simply not racist. Their impotent, godless anger is misdirected. The generation which fought in the Great War and gave us these memorials was a stoic generation – a generation of few words, which kept its feelings to itself. As we wish this one would.

Founded at Athens by Zeno of Citium, the Stoics taught us that the virtue of the wise is based on received knowledge and that the the wise live in harmony with the divine Reason.

Had these unhinged people any wisdom, knowledge or reason they would be convinced by facts. Since 2017, 223 black people and 457 white people have been shot and killed by police officers in the United States. The majority of those killed were armed at the time. By far and away the greatest violence inflicted on black people in the United States is at the hands of other black people. And the looting, the burning down of buildings, the destruction of livelihoods and of public and private property across the USA, has shown that BLM really should be re-named ‘Black Crimes Matter’.

When Tony Timpa – who you have probably never heard of – was suffocated by US police in 2016, rioting and looting did not break out: because he was white.

The left-wing commentary behind the rioting has been a sight to behold. According to The Spectator’s Douglas Murray, NBA writer Chris Martin Palmer tweeted about rioting and arson in Minneapolis: “Burn that shit down. Burn it all down.” Peaceful protests don’t work, he quipped. “They don’t pay attention until you start burning shit.”

A day later, Palmer’s own neighbourhood was being attacked. “They tried to climb the gates,” he panted on social media. “They had to beat them back. They destroyed a Starbucks and are now in front of my building. Get these animals TF out of my neighbourhood. Go back to where you live.”

Poetic justice indeed, and proof – if ever proof was needed – that you should be careful what you wish for. And that sometimes it pays to just shut up and, like our forebears, be stoic.

The BLM situation has been a long time in the left’s political making. “White people are the problem,” a former Democrat Congress Candidate tweeted, invoking UK Labour MP Diane Abbott’s infamous “white people divide and rule” remark. “It’s time for white people to understand their whiteness,” ran a widely-supported article in Time magazine last week. Academia continues to drone on about “white privilege”, but I defy anyone to tell me anything that a white person can do in the free West which a black person cannot.

‘Racism’, in fact, isn’t the issue at all. Rather, we are being primed for a take-over. Popular left-wing commentator Ash Sarkar celebrated recently in a viral video:

“The white British population has decreased by 600,000, while the minority population has increased by 1.2 million. So, yes, lads; we’re winning!”

It’s a take-over by numbers, as well as an enslavement by ideals.

The re-enslavement of black America started under the Democrat presidency of Lyndon Johnson (1963-69), who succeeded after Kennedy’s assassination.

Johnson began addressing what he called “the black problem” by treating blacks separately to whites through a programme of “positive discrimination”. Since that time, and to the horror of black conservatives, the statistics for blacks and whites in that country have diverged in everything from abortion and solo parenthood to drug use, crime and violence. The Democrat party was once the Civil War party of slave owners. Now it is the party which prostitutes blacks into victimhood.

And to this day black Americans are told, “if you don’t vote Democrat, you ain’t black”.

As the divide continues to grow, a multicultural agenda – fuelled by spite – will ensure that certain groups are not just exempted from policing, but also from society. The ensuing fractured society will no longer properly function, and the police, if they still have relevance, may no longer be able to police at all.

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