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Mongrel Mob Start Petition against Simeon Brown

You know you are over the target when you start copping flak. Simeon Brown is certainly copping a fair amount after calling out the lawlessness of criminal gang members who have reacted like a bunch of cry-babies. Now they have taken to the ultimate cry-baby action of all, started a petition to de-platform Simeon Brown and make him apologise for telling the truth about them:

A petition has been launched to strip National MP Simeon Brown of his police, corrections, SFO and youth portfolios after what the Mongrel Mob claims was a “racist rhetoric” posted online following the death of a senior member in Hawke’s Bay.[…]

Brown appears to be sticking to his guns.

“If gangs are trying to get me sacked, I must be doing something right,” he told 1 NEWS, in response to questions about the petition and his perspective on the funeral.

The petition was set up by Lou Hutchinson, who handles public relations for a Hamilton chapter of the Mongrel Mob.

Fatupaito said the petition also calls for Brown to apologise to the affected whanau, that he be censured by the National Party, he be censured by the Speaker of the House, that his Facebook and Twitter posts be removed pertaining to the tangihanga and his social media accounts be suspended until completion of a cultural sensitivity counselling course or when the Speaker of the House sees fit.

“It is my absolute belief Mr Brown is unfit to hold these positions. These portfolios are key to the implementation of intergeneration change in Aotearoa, which frankly Mr Brown simply does not have the maturity, experience or wisdom to be dealing with, particularly due to his cultural incompetency and racist rhetoric.

“Aotearoa is facing social upheaval and division. This is beyond the game of politics. Division will never work as a way of winning power or profile. It is not what I see as the role of an Opposition MP.

“The posts and screenshotting of posts is culturally offensive and disrespectful to whanau and should never be tolerated by any culture or person regardless of who they are.”

Nowhere in Simeon Brown’s posts was race even mentioned, but the default position from these precious sooks is that anyone daring to question their cultural use of American motorcycles and Nazi helmets, salutes and greetings (sieg heil) is somehow racist.

Then when you scroll through the comments on the petition you find nasty anonymous death threats from cowards like this:


TW obviously stands for “Tiny Willie”. It is abundantly clear that the only racists in this discussion are the Maori apologists for appalling gang behaviour.

What is becoming even more abundantly clear is that the Police and the government, through their inaction, are enabling the lawlessness and racism of Mongrel Mob gangsters.

Simeon Brown should not and will not cave to their intimidatory tactics. I doubt Judith Collins will be backing down anytime soon either.

National has tapped a rich vein here and one on which the Government is looking increasingly exposed.

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