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Dr. Anthony Fauci. The BFD. Illustration by Lushington Brady.

I recently wrote that “all Belts and Roads of sneaky Chinese money in the US lead back to Fauci”. I was more right than I knew.

I was referring, in that instance, to the case of yet another US scientist caught on the take from China. A scientist whose research group had also received millions from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Anthony Fauci is director of one of the principal institutes of the NIH, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).

As director of NIAID, Fauci oversaw the clandestine funnelling of US money to fund dangerous gain-of-function research in Wuhan — research that is widely suspected to have led to the Covid-19 pandemic. Fauci allegedly lied to Congress (a felony, it might be noted), when he denied such funding.

But it turns out that Fauci’s financial ties to China are very far from one-way.

Dr. Anthony Fauci invested in the Chinese regime’s corporate “national champions,” large Chinese companies that advance Beijing’s interests and benefit from state policies, in a 2020 investment portfolio, according to recently disclosed financial records.

These are no small potatoes, either: Sen. Roger Marshall (R-Kan.) has published records showing that Fauci had $10.4 million in investments, some of them with a company, Matthews Pacific Tiger Fund, which invests in Chinese companies such as Tencent Holdings, Alibaba Group Holdings, Hong Kong Exchange and Clearing Ltd., and WuXi Biologics Cayman.

Tencent Holdings, a Chinese technology and entertainment conglomerate based in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen, is best known for being the owner of popular messaging app WeChat. The app has drawn scrutiny from the U.S. government over national security concerns.

Tencent is also known for complying with the Chinese regime’s censorship rules in China and for extending its monitoring and censorship to U.S. users of WeChat.

Alibaba, China’s e-commerce and technology giant founded by billionaire tech entrepreneur Jack Ma, along with Tencent, were among several Chinese companies named in 2017 by China’s Ministry of Science and Technology on the communist regime’s “national team” for advancing artificial intelligence.

U.S. officials have warned about the two companies […]

WuXi Biologics Cayman, a biopharmaceutical company listed in Hong Kong, has ties to the Chinese Communist Party.

Marshall likens Fauci’s obfuscations over his financial dealings to his now-infamous testimony about gain-of-function research.

“Just like he has misled the American people about sending taxpayers dollars to Wuhan, China, to fund gain-of-function research, about masks, testing, and more, Dr. Fauci was completely dishonest about his financial disclosures being open to the public—it’s no wonder he is the least trusted bureaucrat in America,” Marshall stated.

The Epoch Times

Of course, the ever-wily Fauci can deny that he directly invested in the Chinese companies by claiming that he merely invested in an investment fund… that just happened to invest his money heavily in CCP-linked firms. But it’s hardly a good look to be so financially dependent on China at the same time that you’re involved in dodgy bureaucratic dealings with China.

Americans suffering through the third year of the pandemic that Fauci is intimately linked to might also question how a career bureaucrat amassed a fortune running into the tens of millions.
