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More Freedom Walks Planned in Defiance of the Truncheons

Wuhan? Or Melbourne? What’s the difference? The BFD.

The natives really are getting restless in Melbourne.

If “Dictator Dan” Andrews thought that sending in the goon squads to kick down doors, pile onto journalists and handcuff pregnant women in their jammies was going to win hearts and minds, it appears that he was sadly mistaken. The videos of the heavy-handedness of the Andrews police state have gone viral around the world.

And even in Australia’s most left-wing state, it looks as though many people have had enough.

More than a thousand anti-lockdown protesters have said they will join a “Freedom Walk” on the Tan this Saturday after last weekend’s clashes between demonstrators and police.

“The Tan Track” is a 3.8km walk/run track that loops around Melbourne’s renowned Royal Botanic Gardens and Kings Domain, named for its distinctive compacted sand and gravel surface. It is – or was, until the imposition of martial law – one of Melbourne’s most popular exercise precincts.

Lockdown-weary protesters are saying they will take advantage of their government-allotted hour of permitted outdoor recreation (it’s all very Strength Through Joy, isn’t it?) to send a message to nearby Spring St.

Organisers claims that it will be undertaken legally and is merely a forum to allow Victorians to “come together, get healthy and talk about getting our freedoms back”.

Don’t expect the goon squads to see it that way, though. People out for their daily walk in working-class suburbs like Dandenong have been relentlessly harassed by flying squads of zealous coppers. At an anti-lockdown protest last weekend, the police went full-Gestapo, even tackling journalist Avi Yemini to the ground in full view of cameras.

Police charged 17 people at a gathering on Saturday that began at the Shrine of Remembrance and moved on to Albert Park Lake. After that event, protesters vowed to continue taking to the streets in defiance of coronavirus restrictions.

More than 1300 people have indicated that they are either interested in attending or plan to attend this Saturday’s march at the Tan running track in Melbourne’s Royal Botanic Gardens.

The page promoting the event claims the walk is “legal,” but does not elaborate further on whether it conflicts with stage four restrictions still in place in Melbourne.

Naturally, the police who were utterly clueless about years-long rampages by African gangs, and spent nearly a full day meekly tailing a vehicular terrorist at a safe distance before he finally mowed down dozens of innocents in the CBD, are zealously combing social media for WrongThink.

“Victoria Police is aware [of] and monitoring potential protest activity planned for this weekend,” a spokeswoman said.

“We are currently making a number of enquiries in relation to this and remain in the process of planning our operational response.

“It remains very clear that under stage four restrictions protest activity cannot occur, with any individual deliberately and blatantly breaching the Chief Health Officer’s directives liable for a fine of $1652.”

This from the same police who not only refused to stop a far-left BLM rally, but in fact joined in. No doubt they’re already polishing their truncheons in anticipation of more anti-lockdown protests.

Event organiser Tony Pecora the march had been designed to comply with the directives.

“This Freedom Walk is geared toward residents that live within 5 kilometres of Melbourne,” said Mr Pecora, who wants Melbourne to “reset” back to what the laws were before COVID-19 restrictions were introduced and for policies that allow “everybody to take responsibility for their own health”.

Social distancing will be adhered to, along with facial coverings, and the aim is to remain walking so as not to create a conflict with police,” he said.

Naturally, Melbourne’s own Chief Wiggum – previously most notorious for his role in the “Lawyer X” scandal – is talking tough.

Assistant Commissioner Luke Cornelius had said that the force would not tolerate “bat shit crazy” anti-coronavirus theories and warned people planning on attending protests that their feet “won’t touch the ground” before they were arrested.
Separated at birth: The Simpsons’ Chief Wiggum and Victoria Police Chief Commissioner Luke Cornelius. The BFD.

Remember, Melbourne: Orders are orders undt must be obeyed without question.

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