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More Hitherto Unknown Human Rights

Bob Jones

Sydney family law specialist Sarah Bevan told the Sydney Morning Herald,

“It’s a basic human right for children to know where they came from.”

She was referring to the lack of laws, unlike in Coneland, for adopted children to know their actual parentage.

Meanwhile the newly selected Green candidate for Police Minister Ginny Andersen’s Hutt South seat, Neelu Jennings, who is legally blind and campaigns for the physically disabled, told The Hutt News it was a human right for the disabled to participate in sport etc.

Our Human Rights Commission is an expensive joke. One of the five Commissioners, Meng Foon also doubles as the Race Relations Commissioner.

Here’s a question for Meng to answer. Is it a shocking human rights abuse of unwittingly dumb buggers to put poker machines in a low income Gisborne, predominantly Maori suburb and exploit these people’s stupidity? Meng is perfectly placed to answer this, it being precisely what he did.

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