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Mike Smith.

Mike Smith (Ngapuhi, Ngati Kahu), of Change Iwi Leaders Group, has lodged proceedings in the High Court against seven companies he claims are failing to protect Maori from climate change (never mind about the rest of us).

“Maori are particularly vulnerable to climate change, being  Disproportionately represented amongst the poor, who will be the hardest hit. Rising sea levels, coastal erosion, flooding and storm surges will irrevocably damage low lying coastal communities, and warming oceans and ocean acidification will damage traditional resources, including fisheries.”


Waah waah, waah. This would be funny if it wasn’t such a waste of time and money. As dear ol’ dad would say, some people have more dollars than sense, and to drive this point home, Smith dropped his legal action bomb before swanning off to Mexico for an indigenous people’s talkfest. Talk, talk, talk, spend, spend, spend.

Defending themselves against the trumped up charges are Fonterra Co-operative Group Ltd, Genesis Energy Ltd, Dairy Holdings Ltd, NZ Steel Ltd, Z Energy Ltd, The NZ Refining Company Ltd and BT Mining Ltd.

Already on the receiving end of legislation from a government hostile to farming and mining, these companies must now fund their defence, which they need as much as anyone needs another hole in their head.

Strange isn’t it, that government and Iwi have endless money to fund their trivial pursuits that include attacking the lifeblood of the country, biting the hand that feeds them.

“While Smith acknowledged the Government’s efforts in enacting the Zero Carbon Act, he said steps to tackle climate change do not go far enough and he is asking the Courts to intervene.

The urgency of climate change means we need far greater action and we need it now, and not just from government but also across the private sector” he says.

“It’s not good enough just to set far off targets, especially ones
that let our biggest polluters like the agricultural sector off the
hook so they can have a bit more time to turn a profit. The fact is
we are out of time and are now looking at damage control.”

The litigation seeks relief including a declaration that the companies have acted unlawfully, and an injunction requiring each of them to reduce total net greenhouse gases by half by 2030, and to zero by 2050, or to otherwise cease their emitting activities immediately.”

Smith has money (and hopes for a great deal more from his court case) but no scientific leg to stand on after a landmark climate change court case was decided in favour of scientist and climate change sceptic Dr Tim Ball of Canada.

Ball was sued for libel for claiming the “hockey stick” graph, crucial to the IPCC climate change doom and gloom predictions, is scientific rubbish. Just over a week ago Ball was exonerated from the libel charges and awarded court costs. The case hinged on the pro-climate change scientists refusing to cough up the data supporting their argument which Ball claimed did not stand up to scrutiny.

The news that climate change is officially a hoax will take some time to topple the huge financial industry of climate change, and reach our green and not so tranquil shores of mainstream media gullibility. Until it does, we can take pleasure in mocking the fools still cashing in on the myth of rising sea levels and the death of life as we know it. Idiots.
