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China is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Image credit The BFD.

The BFD has recently reported on the Rich Kids Funding Eco-Terrorism and on China’s useful idiots secretly pushing the CCP’s global domination agenda via the climate movement. But, as other recent revelations show, the tentacles of Beijing’s influence reach into every level of the environmental movement.

Australia’s top environment bureaucrat is an adviser to a Chinese Communist Party body that lauds the country’s climate credentials and promotes Xi Jinping’s “Green Belt and Road Initiative” to the world.

The Australian can reveal Department of Environment secretary Andrew Metcalfe is a member of the China Council for International Co-operation on Environment and Development, chaired by Vice-Premier Han Zheng.

Yet, as is the way with these fifth columnists, even when they’re exposed they’re almost never run out on a rail as they should be.

Mr Metcalfe continues to serve on the council, despite China’s campaign of economic coercion against Australia, the refusal of its ministers to meet Australian counterparts and the Australian government’s rejection of the BRI as being inconsistent with the ­nation’s foreign policy.

These useful idiots are easily manipulated by sinister forces stroking their vanity that they are the meritocratic “experts”.

Charles Sturt University professor Clive Hamilton, an expert on the CCP’s United Front system of foreign influence, said the CCICED aimed to “draw in, groom and co-opt important members of Western and other elites involved in environmental policy”.

“The trick of this is these senior people, and there are quite a number of them from around the world, believe they can get an insight into how China works, and exercise an influence over the Chinese government,” he said.

“The reality is they are drawn into a Chinese organisation whose purpose is to influence them, to persuade them to see the world in the way that the CCP does, and to take that message, often unwittingly, back out to the world.

“The stories this organisation tells about China’s environmental record and its plans are very much consistent with the propaganda CCP organs generate.”

It’s very telling who the CCP counts as its friends and allies in the West.

“The green development of BRI highly echoes and complements with the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in concepts, principles, and goals.”

The Australian

That the UN “echoes and complements” Xi Xinping’s agenda for global domination is no surprise to many of us.

Speaking of Beijing’s useful idiots…

Former foreign minister Bob Carr has defended his decision to speak at a seminar organised by Chinese-Australian billionaire Chau Chak Wing that was attended by Xi Jinping.

Dr Chau, who was named in parliament as a Chinese Communist Party influencer and conspirator in a UN bribery scandal, hosted his Imperial Springs Forum in Guangzhou this month.

Mr Carr, who employed Dr Chau’s daughter Winky when he was NSW premier, joined other participants including former UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon, former British prime minister Gordon Brown, former New Zealand prime minister Jenny Shipley, and former US president George HW Bush’s son, Neil Bush.

“I was honoured to have been in such company,” he said.

The Australian

The sad part is that he almost certainly sincerely means that.

Where’s a Joe McCarthy, now that we actually need one?
