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More of That Vibrant Cultural Diversity!


Australia continues to revel in the diverse, vibrant tapestry of mass migration and capital-Multiculturalism. First we had the terror attacks, then the forced child marriages — now it’s time for the “honour” killings.

A family accused of trying to kill a young Muslim woman in “an attempted honour killing” in Adelaide’s north put tracking apps on her phone, broke into her boyfriend’s house and drained her bank account while she was recovering in intensive care, a court has heard.

Notice how the ABC tries to frame the story? Only the victim is identified as Muslim. The fact that her alleged attempted murderers were all Muslims, too, is carefully obscured.

Like Salman Rushdie and other victims of Islamic fanaticism, the victim — who suffered a perforated kidney, lacerated liver and significant internal bleeding — now has to live in protective custody.

From her own family.

Five members of the woman’s family have been charged with her attempted murder – including her father and mother — after allegedly stabbing the 21-year-old in the abdomen several times with a large kitchen knife.

The court heard that, at the age of 17, the alleged victim had an arranged marriage to her cousin in northern Pakistan.

But the prosecutor told the court her family disapproved of her Christian Sri Lankan boyfriend, whom she had met at university.

“That relationship is something that her family strongly opposed, and that opposition has become increasingly violent,” the prosecutor told the court.

“She’s had two brothers break into the boyfriend’s house two days before this offending, she’s had tracking apps put on her phone.

“While she’s been in intensive care getting treatment her bank account has been drained, leaving 17 cents in that bank account.
“Islam to me is the most feminist religion”

Yassmin Abdel-Magied

Even after they had (allegedly) brutally stabbed their own family member multiple times, did they do anything to help? No — they forced her into a car and back to the family home.

“At no point in time did any of them call for an ambulance,” the prosecutor told the court.

“Fortunately, her boyfriend was contacted by a friend and her boyfriend called police and the police called an ambulance to the family’s address.”

ABC Australia

Nearly a year after that first report, with the case now before the courts, the ABC are still actively obscuring the Islamic aspect of the crime.

The court has previously heard that the woman had an arranged marriage with her cousin, but her family had become aware that she had started a relationship with a man of a different faith.

ABC Australia

As Mark Steyn said, “the airbrush is mightier than the sword”.
