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The BFD. Photoshopped image credit SadButTrue

Sir Bob Jones

When I suggested recently that the media ask Chris Hipkins, why given our current record covid infection numbers and deaths, if it was a good idea to throw the country into a ludicrously punitive lockdown in 2020, 2021 and 2022, it’s not now?

Some readers wrote saying now everyone who wants to be is vaccinated. But that was also the case in 2021 and 2022 (Auckland remember, was closed down until late last year).

Here’s the latest Health Department statistics. 2.2 million New Zealanders have now had covid.

Last week that number rose by 8,400. A total of 2513 people have died. These statistics make a mockery of the situation in 2020, 2021 and 2022 and the much vaunted elimination claim.

The lockdown oppression years were the most disgraceful event in New Zealand’s history. They had Orwellian Big Brother overtones, were a massive abuse of political power and frequently downright sadistically cruel.

The BFD. Photoshopped image credit SadButTrue

Flogging an infantile advertising message in the media and on our highways to “Be Kind”, the government authors of this hypocritically didn’t apply it to their own actions, for example, denying the right for people to visit their dying partners a mile away in hospital. I could go on but the salient point is instead of trying to puff up Hipkins, such as with the “Chippy” nonsense while constantly rubbishing the National leader, how about the lap-dog media asking Hipkins why, if it was right to impose a draconian lockdown on the nation over the past two years, is it not right to do so now?

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