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More Own Goals From the ‘Yes’ Campaign

The BFD. Own Goal

The “Yes” campaign for the “Indigenous Voice” referendum just can’t seem to get their stories straight. Time and again, they’ll say one thing in parliament or to the media, only to be directly contradicted. Quite often, it’s the same person contradicting their own words.

Which is all to the better, really: it just exposes the grab-bag of lies and bullshit behind the whole referendum. The lies have got so bad that even Facebook has dumped the taxpayer-funded broadcaster’s “fact-checker” partner for telling big ol’ porkies.

Now, our hopelessly incompetent Minister for Indigenous Affairs has done it again, contradicting not just her own boss, the PM, but the so-called “FactLab”, and one of the ABC’s most senior journalists.

Indigenous Australians Minister Linda Burney has hinted the implementation of the voice, should the referendum be successful, is “the beginning of another very big process.”

The government has so far been reticent about how the voice to parliament will work, who will be involved and other mechanics of the advisory body should Australians vote for Constitutional change.

Ms Burney couldn’t identify specifics, but did confirm the Commonwealth, state and territories will interact given processes like treaty have already commenced in some areas.

So, Burney is directly contradicting PM Anthony Albanese’s assertion that “this is not about a treaty”. Of course, Albanese has been all over the shop on this one, first denying it, then refusing to give a straight answer at all. Burney is also contradicting her own double-speak, where she denied that the Voice would lead to a treaty, only to “agreement making”.

But that’s just the start of Burney’s own goals.

She’s also tacitly confirming that the Uluru Statement really is more than a one-page document.

“There will need to be extensive discussion and consultation for what the body will look like. There’s also the Uluru Statement in full that we need to think about,” Ms Burney told the ABC’c Kitchen Cabinet on Tuesday.

(Emphasis added)

That “in full” would be the 26-28 pages that the Yes campaign has furiously denied. Except that we know it’s true, because not only has the full document been exposed by FOI, but even the same people now denying that it’s more than one page were, not so long ago, talking about  “a very lengthy document of about 18 to 20 pages”. Those were the words of Yes campaigner Professor Megan Davis, who also wrote elsewhere that, “in totality (it) is closer to 18 pages”.

Davis now furiously denies that it is more than one page. Another denier is senior ABC journalist Leigh Sales, who has taken it upon herself to email all ABC journalists, instructing them to maintain that the Statement is just one page.

But that’s not the only own goal from the Yes brigade, today.

Suzanne Andrews says Yarrabah, her Aboriginal community of around 3000 people, is a living, breathing, working testament as to why Australians should vote yes in the voice referendum.

For years, the seaside township about an hour’s drive from Cairns had the highest suicide rate in the nation, along with myriad chronic health problems that have long plagued Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Now, almost a decade after a hard-won fight to take control of some services, particularly the health clinic, the tide of ­suicides is gone and the com­munity is healthier, happier and ­increasingly in work. Ms ­Andrews, chief executive of Yarrabah’s Gurriny Yealamucka Health Services, said the community was now “exceeding or meeting all 24 health KPIs” in the Closing The Gap agreement.

The Australian

And they did all that, without a constitutionally enshrined, racially mandated “Voice”?

This sounds like yet another great argument for voting “No”.

Finally, just as they did in the same-sex marriage “voluntary postal survey”, the left is blithering about “hate” and “division” — they’re just neglecting the fact that the hate and division is from them.

A voice supporter has been charged after ­allegedly trashing the office of federal South Australian Liberal MP Tony Pasin, ­attacking the No campaign as “bullshit” and verbally abusing ­female staff in front of a 15-year-old work experience student […]

Mr Pasin said his staffers were “left shaken and fearing for their safety”.

The Australian

Just imagine if these racist creeps have the full power of the Constitution behind them.
Vote No, Australia


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