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More Political Smoke and Mirrors on Immigration

Melbourne commuters experiencing the joys of mass immigration.

As I’ve written before, politicians on all sides know exactly what Australians think about migration – and take absolutely no notice. Survey after survey shows that Australians are fed up with ever-spiralling migration – not, as the elite would have it, because of “racism”, but because Australians are sick to death of their cities being jammed by traffic, housing shortages, and weeks-long waits to see a GP.

But the political-media class is indelibly wedded to mass immigration, and damn the hoi polloi. Politicians, because they are addicted to the economic sugar hit of large-scale immigration; the media because it panders to their multi-cult prejudices.

So claims that this or that government is dedicated to reducing Australia’s astonishing immigration rate should be taken with a Siberian grain of salt.

The Morrison government will launch a powerful inquiry into Australia’s migration program, opening the door to further cuts in immigrant numbers and moves to push more migrants into the regions to take pressure off congested areas in Sydney and Melbourne.

“Further cuts” implies that immigration has already been cut. Which is nonsense. Despite the smoke and mirrors, Australia’s migration intake continues at record highs.

Members of the Coalition backbench last year called for a review of the migrant intake, which has given Australia one of the fastest-growing populations in the developed world.

The population is expected to grow almost 24 per cent to 31.4 million by 2034, according to Infrastructure Australia, and most new residents are expected to live in Sydney or Melbourne.

The government has announced plans to slice permanent migrant numbers, but April’s federal budget figures show total net overseas migration will peak at 271,000 this year, up to 50,000 more than was assumed in the 2018-19 budget.

Meanwhile, expect the lazy beancounters to keep their iron grip on their massive immigration Ponzi scheme.

The parliamentary inquiry, expected to be announced on Wednesday, sets up a contest between the Treasury, Infrastructure and Home Affairs portfolios over the direction of immigration policy for the second term of the Morrison government.

Treasury has historically backed a large migration program, despite resistance from the other portfolios, to allow increased tax revenue to flow to the budget and push Australia through 28 years of economic growth.

“Immigration is vital for the economy” is one of the biggest lies of politics. The economic contribution of mass immigration is grossly exaggerated. In return for which, Australians endure an ever-decreasing quality of life in major cities bursting at the seams.

The politician or party who dares say what the majority of Australians actually think about mass immigration – let alone acts on it, stands to reap the electoral rewards. But they also know they will be hysterically savaged by the lying media-political elite.

So, expect business-as-usual – and start planning for four-hour commutes in Sydney and Melbourne.
