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More than 3 Key Reasons to Open Your Eyes

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Photo by Marina Vitale

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science
Maurice McGrath PhD



Now is the Time! Image Credit:

First Key Reason

Of 3 key reasons to open your eyes, the first key reason, (indeed a now mounting list of key reasons) was published in the BMJ in January 2022.

This key reason arises from a revealing Norwegian study that highlighted the trivial healthcare utilisation by 700,000 Norwegian children and adolescents in the COVID era before mass synthetic polynucleotide and lipid nanoparticle injections were available in Norway (August 1, 2020 – February 1, 2021), when the resemblance to a literal interpretation of, ‘much ado about nothing’, appeared most striking. A very small proportion of the large number of Norwegian children and adolescents, 10,279 (1.45%), tested positive. More than half (59.52%) were untested and more than a third (39.02%) were negative.

Children aged 1-5 years who tested positive showed a minor long term (? 6 months) relative increase in primary care use (13%, -0% to 26%) that was not observed for the older age groups, compared with same aged children who tested negative. The results were similar yet the age differences less pronounced compared with untested controls (statistical variance here rather than clinical significance).

This key reason highlighted why the risk of Pfizer jabs with their cardiac adverse events (a small fraction of the number of possible serious adverse events of euphemistically described ‘special interest’) is the last experimental injection any sane, ethical person should ever contemplate giving a child.

While the authors stated that no increased use of specialist care was observed, it is clear from the data provided (see graph below from the paper) that for all age groups, the increase in primary care that occurred was observed chiefly (and arguably, predictably) in the categories of ‘mental’ and ‘respiratory and general or unspecified conditions’, hardly the hallmark of a novel dire disease, far more akin to manufactured fear and a seasonal cold. Image Credit:

This Norwegian study concluded that Covid-19 among children and adolescents was found to have limited impact on healthcare services in Norway. Preschool aged children might take longer to recover (3-6 months) than primary or secondary school students (1-3 months), usually because of respiratory conditions. Remember to, here we refer to early so called ‘variants’ in contrast to the currently prevalent clinically irrelevant Omicron strains.

In other words, this key reason showed that Covid-19 was a benign, non-specific condition with a small, short lived impact on children with no increased utilisation of specialist care, reassuring and calming, yes?

The truth in plain sight

Image Credit:
Negative risk benefit. Nothing good to see here. Move on. Much Ado About Nothing.

So, one key reason appears plain to see once eyes are opened. There is scant justification for the imposition of the mass injection of a deleterious, novel synthetic gene, lipid nanoparticle cocktail on anyone, let alone on young children and adolescents.

Second Key Reason

Of the 3 key reasons, a second key reason that may serve to capture your keen attention emerges from yet another recent and revealing study published in April 2022 in the Journal of Clinical Medicine, derived from Israeli data. The data showed no increased incidence in either pericarditis nor myocarditis in adult patients recovering from COVID-19 infection. This study was a Retrospective cohort study of 196,992 adults between March 2020 and January 2021 with a control cohort of 590,976 adults with at least one negative PCR and no positive PCR that were age- and sex-matched.

The Israeli vaccination program was initiated on 20 December 2020, the time-period matching of the control cohort was calculated backward from 15 December 2020, prior to mass Pfizer injections. A claim is often made that myocarditis from COVID is a greater risk and severity than after the injection. This study clearly shows otherwise and provides a key reason to spurn the spurious injections.

The Third Key Reason

Of 3 key reasons, the third key reason is the killer reason. It refers to the unnecessary likelihood of inflicting myocardial injury from experimental synthetic gene, lipid nanoparticle Pfizer injections. Once again, it is becoming abundantly apparent that these have nothing to offer, and worse, possess negative risk benefit, already described by Fraiman et al. in a previous NZDSOS post. This key reason juxtaposed against another recent study from France published in Nature Communications that highlighted the colossal elevation in the incidence of myocarditis and pericarditis post vaccination only serves to underscore the need for eyes wide open now.

The studies, now part of a list of growing studies, serve to point to the travesty of the politicised, unethical and unscientific medical policies and corporate politics of the New Zealand government.

A key reason, rates of heart inflammation; Nature Communication, French study reported in the Daily Sceptic. Image Credit:

The Daily Sceptic reported this incredible French study in the following terms (abridged): “Serious Heart Inflammation 44 Times Higher After Covid Vaccination, Nature Study Finds,” referring to odds ratio – (OR). The report described the results of the Nature study of 1,612 hospital cases of myocarditis and 1,613 hospital cases of pericarditis between May 12th and October 31st 2021.

The study identified that the risk of being hospitalised with myocarditis was OR 8.1 times higher in the week following a Pfizer second dose (95% confidence interval [CI], OR 6.7 to 9.9). When the findings are broken down by age, still further elevated risk was seen in younger adults. The risk following a Pfizer second dose decreased with age, peaking at OR 18 times higher in males aged 12-17 (CI, 9–35). Findings for Moderna injections were substantially worse. Note that hospitalisation was the metric here.

So what of sub-clinical inflammation or inflammation not requiring hospitalisation? Myocardial damage with scarring remains a possibility with life span and health span shortening consequences, even in less acute, non-hospitalised clinical presentations.

The abstract in Nature Communications concludes with a sentence vindicating what the eminent Peter McCullough a US Cardiologist once said, namely that the cardiac issues emerging most clearly in the young would also be seen across all age groups. The French study stated, “Estimates of excess cases attributable to vaccination also reveal a substantial burden of both myocarditis and pericarditis across other age groups and in both males and females,” and, “Our findings bring new elements in showing that the risk of acute cardiac inflammation after vaccination is not confined to myocarditis in young men.”

Ladies And Gentlemen, Is There A Pilot On Board?

Serious adverse events in mandated pilots: a key reason of major concern. Image Credit:

Yet another key reason, particularly if you are a traveller, is a growing level of concern regarding the aviation industry in general and mandated pilots in particular, largely evidenced by the number of pilots (a highly screened and monitored group) unable to fly or dead. The numbers are two orders of magnitude above where they were pre-COVID injections. The concern is that a pilot will suffer an incapacitating stroke or heart attack during a flight or during a critical phase of a flight, or worse, in dire circumstances requiring the sum of piloting skills and inspiration from two experienced, healthy people.

Air New Zealand pilots currently remain injection mandated unless exempted for “special” commercial and political reasons by NZGOV. At the same time Air New Zealand recently dropped routine ECG cardiac screening studies on pilots younger than 40 yrs, which, as the evidence suggests, (see Third Key Reason), is exactly where one now requires surveillance. These corporate entities blatantly refuse to recognise the problem because in doing so they become liable having coerced and mandated Pfizer injections for their employees. Consider also, in failing to comply with the official decreed narrative, such a company will adversely affect its ESG score.

The back drop is an increase in the number of global pilot deaths by 1700% (a move from single figures to more than a hundred) in the first 9 months of 2021 over 2020. (2019: 1; 2020: 6; 2021: 109) (The Real News #4 pp36)

Consistent with an aviation ethos of diminished surveillance post mandated injections, Dr Kate Manderson, Principal Medical Officer at the Australian Civil Aviation Safety Authority when recently addressing pilots in Australia, encouraging them to get their boosters, stating, there was no point in undertaking surveillance after vaccines. One pilot expressed his concern to her in the following way with key reasons: his daughter had developed myocarditis after the booster and son-in-law had developed myocarditis after the second shot, and both had been hospitalised. Her reply, “vaccines are safe, effective, will stop you from getting really sick and I encourage you to have your vaccines.”

Some in aviation still adhere to the idea that ineptitude and incompetence lie at the heart of what we are witnessing and experiencing. For example, JetStar Taining Captain Alan Dana opined , “I think this period in history will go down as significant in that we have the most inept business leaders and regulators in human history. But now they are faced with something very, very serious, they are exposed.”

I am of the view that when one considers whether abject incompetence is an underlying part of what we witness unfolding all around us, one is exercising a grossly misplaced generosity of spirit. In the light of a stream of key reasons and data, usual and best practice would never have accepted the experimental novel Pfizer injections in the first instance, aside from the foundational reasons embodied in medical ethics, full consent, and the right to refuse experimentation.

The emerging data from COVID elsewhere was nothing but reassuring. That the data was a mess was obvious. And the formal controls were gone, the science left the room to politicised black box modelling and “negative controls.” That the injections were adopted and then coerced and mandated on the population indisputably amounts to crimes against humanity.

Neither Safe Nor Effective. Never Were, Are, Or Will Be.

With increasing alarm we can see clearly now that vaccines were never effective in either preventing transmission or infection, nor do they decrease the putative severity of COVID, making it unpredictably worse and harder to recover from, while the unpredictable adverse events are potentially dire and the ease of reinfection escalates. An abundance of key reasons.

So, you may wish to consider carefully whether you want to keep playing State sponsored Russian roulette with Jabcinda’s sole truth and cindness™ delivered in the form of the barreled needle being thrust in your arm. As Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Apostolic Nuncio proclaimed, it is now time to cease being servile and to seek the return of justice.

The descent into evil is as obvious as it is undeniable. It is not incompetence. For example, recently the team leader of the FDA’s clinical review staff, Rachel Zhang, stated in regard to the newly granted EuA for Pfizer injections administered to babies and young children:

We have lost the placebo groups, so we cannot really say anything about the duration of vaccine efficacy after that.” … “I guess it will have to come from real-world effectiveness.”

Catherine Salgado writing at Pro Deo et Libertate: FDA panel advisor says agency ‘lost’ essential COVID vax trial data for kids, babies

Not only does the FDA and Pfizer demonstrate gross unethical behaviour and deliberate malfeasance, the collaborating New Zealand government is up to its neck in conflicts of interest, yet more key reasons to garner your attention and open your eyes.

As an ‘investor and partner’ with the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), the Davos founded organisation (founded in 2017 by the WEF, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Wellcome drug company), NZGOV funded $15M of your tax payer money supporting the unbridled, hyper-accelerated corporate development of the novel synthetic gene, lipid nanoparticle injections, and a further $26M to COVAX AMC (co-led by CEPI, Gavi and WHO), and again, just recently, a further $10 million, again to CEPI.

And just in case you’re wondering, CEPI also funds the Safety Platform for Emergency Vaccines (SPEAC), an output of the Brighton Collaboration in which our own doyen of injections, Helen Petoussis-Harris of Auckland University was closely involved. Her declaration of a conflict of interest was never apparent in her ODT front page promo with the outrageous nonsensical bye line: “Misinformation shared online threatens to undermine New Zealand’s big push to lift vaccination rates above 90 per cent, which could bring us fewer Covid-19 deaths and hospital cases, and more freedom.”

The sack of Rome. Acknowledgement to Ryse, ‘Son of Rome’ Image Credit:

There appears no Government intention to stop the jabbing, mask policies or mandates any time soon unless irresistible and compelling political pressure is brought to bear. Key reasons, data and ethics will never be enough, though perhaps when a sufficient number of health professionals and academics decide their cognitive dissonance is too uncomfortable and cannot be salved by 30 pieces of silver, then may be things may change. However, as wider New Zealand dozes and its sycophantic media remains muzzled this seems unlikely in any immediate sense.

Mandates and the litany of kill shot / clot shot will unquestionably continue under a new National Government and administration that invariably goose-steps to the corporate globalist agenda … unless the million of so cancelled and awake Kiwis can free the coerced and awaken the conned by the next election.

And when all is said and done, the ‘last man standing’ may well not be the metaphorical turn of phrase it once was. The nightmare fantasies of the WEF are bearing down on the civilisation we took for granted. This is our sacking of Rome moment, and we fall mainly from within. For it will take a great stirring in New Zealand to obviate the destructive corporate globalist machinations of the locally compliant and complicit, as blindness to key reasons remains guaranteed by New Zealand politicians and media.


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