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More Young People Having Trans Second Thoughts

Who would possibly regret this? The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

If we are to believe the trans lobby, the idea that people regret “transitioning”, especially when they were children, is just a “transphobic myth”. But then, if were to believe these activists, biological men can give birth.

Just ignore all those people who say they really do regret it.

Hundreds of young transgender people are seeking help to return to their original sex, a woman who is setting up a charity has told Sky News.

Charlie Evans, 28, was born female but identified as male for nearly 10 years before detransitioning.

That means that she was just a teenager when she had her breasts removed and was placed on hormones that would likely make her infertile, perhaps for life. Most likely, she was too young to vote, because teenagers are incapable of making informed decisions. But they can choose to have their bodies mutilated for life.

The number of young people seeking gender transition is at an all-time high but we hear very little, if anything, about those who may come to regret their decision.

There is currently no data to reflect the number who may be unhappy in their new gender or who may opt to detransition to their biological sex.

Trans activists tout studies which claim unbelievably low rates of transgender regret. But most of these are seriously flawed: for instance a “50 year study” of necessity covers the very long period when, as a saner society, we didn’t have “gender whisperers” in schools, secretively encouraging children to “transition”.

The Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust offers gender identity services for children under 18, with some patients as young as three or four years old.

They now have a record number of referrals and see 3,200% more patients than they did 10 years ago – with the increase for girls up by 5,337%.

So, let’s not talk about 50 years ago, when “transgenderism” simply didn’t exist, and the overwhelming majority of what were rightly then called transsexuals and transvestites were male-to-female. The simple fact that the “transgender” landscape has changed so suddenly and so dramatically is the first obvious clue that something is going on. Another is that lesbian-identifying girls have all-but vanished.

Charlie says she has been contacted by “hundreds” of people seeking help – 30 people alone in her area of Newcastle.

“I think some of the common characteristics are that they tend to be around their mid-20s, they’re mostly female and mostly same-sex attracted, and often autistic as well.”

This is the truly heinous crime of the “trans” lobby: their adamant refusal to accept any other explanation for gender dysphoria than “transgenderism”. That gender dysphoria is strongly correlated with a host of social and psychological problems is simply dismissed out of hand. Chop their bits off, the “theory” goes, and all will be well.

Any teenager who dares wonder whether mutilating themselves for life is really such a good idea, is immediately subject to a barrage of abusive pressure.

“She said she felt shunned by the LGBT community for being a traitor. So I felt I had to do something” […]

Ruby explains she has also had an eating disorder but she does not feel that issue was explored in the therapy sessions she had when she went to gender identity services.

“When I was at my gender clinic to get referred for hormones, we had a session where I went over my mental health issues and I told them about my eating disorder and they didn’t suggest that that could maybe connected with my gender dysphoria,” says Ruby.


For all its pretensions to “diversity” and “inclusivity”, transgenderism is, in fact, one of the most narrow-minded ideologies imaginable. Boys who like traditionally “girly” things must be girls. Girls who like “boy” things must really be boys. Teens who are attracted to the same sex aren’t gay, their “straight” people “trapped in the wrong body”.

The only other society with such a narrow-minded view of sexuality, and, not coincidentally, a high rate of “transition”, is fundamentalist Islamic Iran. Homosexuality is abhorred in Islam. So, if you have a gay man, just force him to “transition” to female, and, voila! problem solved. For Iranian homosexuals, the choice is transition or death.

I suppose the least that can be said for Iran’s narrow-minded mullahs is that at least, unlike the mullahs of transgenderism, they’re honest about it.
