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Scott is dripping wet. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.” It was actually Ernest Benn who said it, not Groucho Marx — although I’m sure Groucho would have agreed wholeheartedly.

Especially if he’d lived to see Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison in action.

Morrison won a surprise victory at the last election largely thanks to suburban conservatives and coal mining communities. So, what does he do?

Panders to the climate fanatics and the dripping-wet, blue-green “progressive” wing of his party. It’s a story no doubt familiar to BFD readers tearing out their hair over a sodden National Party which apparently believes it can win over the feral left-media by out-woking the other lot.

Scott Morrison has promised moderate Liberals he will fast-track separate protections for gay students ahead of bringing on a vote on the religious discrimin­ation bill and ramping-up pressure on Anthony Albanese to back the legislation.

The Prime Minister’s pledge to overhaul the Sex Discrimination Act and protect gay students from being expelled or suspended before the next election has won support from moderate Liberal MPs Dave Sharma, Fiona Martin, Angie Bell and Katie Allen.

The Australian understands Liberal MPs Trent Zimmerman, Warren Entsch and Bridget Archer continue to hold reservations outside of protections for gay students and could influence whether Mr Morrison brings on a vote.

The Australian

“Moderate”, of course, meaning “wetter than Adam Bandt’s undies when he met Greta Thunberg”. Anyway, would-be Liberal voters, there’s your shopping list of blue-green ninnies to avoid like the plague, come election time.

Because, for all the mincing outrage of the Liberal wets, no-one can ever seem to cite a case of student actually being suspended or expelled for being gay. The best anyone has been able to come up with so far is a single case from the other side of the world, deep in the heart of Texas.

Which brings us back to Mr. Benn’s astute observation.

Supporters of the bill mumble that, if no students are actually expelled for being gay, then why should anyone mind that a law is passed to forbid it? This is an asinine argument. The obvious answer, first, is that why do we even need a law for something that doesn’t exist? Why is the government wasting precious parliamentary time and money on such frivolous virtue-signalling?

Or is it more than just virtue-signalling? Given that their stated reason for the bill is an obvious lie, then what’s their real agenda? Why such an unseemly rush to push through this bill?

The suspicion that it is just another assault on religious life from the left — by which, of course, we mean Christian; all other religions being exempt from the left’s visceral hatred. Sure, Morrison is religious, but he’s also a snivelling coward when it comes to the culture wars.

Meanwhile, every day, our freedom to do, say and think is more and more constrained by activists in black masks doing their rounds, binding with briars our joys and desires.

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