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Morrison Must Axe Green Energy Plans


When is the Morrison government going to learn the lesson that repeatedly has beaten it over the head? Turning teal is not a vote-winner.

Coalition voters want a party that offers a clear alternative to the Labor-Green watermelon monster. Nothing should have hammered home that lesson more brutally than the results of the last federal election in Queensland.

Yet, still the government deludes itself that turning teal is the only way to go – despite every lesson to the contrary. No one was deeper blue-green than Malcolm Turnbull; and he very nearly cost the Coalition government.

The more the Morrison government dallies with Turnbull-lite blue-green policy, especially on climate and energy, the more likely it is to squander the astonishing turnaround in its fortunes following Turnbull’s demise.

Nearly every federal election for the last 15 years has made it brutally clear that climate change alarmism is not a vote-winner. No matter how many nosey-nannas and scowling schoolchildren wave their little placards and shake their little fists, voters have far more real concerns to worry about. Especially the prospect of continually-spiralling power costs as governments continue to shovel billions of dollars into the greedy maw of rent-seeking “renewables”.

At least some in the Morrison government are trying to put the Coalition back on course.

Nationals senator Matt Canavan has reignited the energy wars within the Coalition as he called on Scott Morrison to tear up its energy agreement with the NSW government and instead build a coal-fired power station in the Hunter Valley.

The Queensland senator lashed out at the Berejiklian government’s energy roadmap, which passed state parliament last week and encourages investment in low emissions energy to replace ageing coal-fired power stations.

Senator Canavan accused NSW of passing “radical legislation” without consulting the federal government.

He said the policy undermined the Morrison government’s program to underwrite new energy projects, with gas projects being put on hold.

Senator Canavan questioned why rural people would have to be kept up at night by “noisy wind farms just so guilt ridden inner-city people can sleep”.

More to the point, why should ordinary people in the suburbs have to struggle to pay soaring electricity bills, just so smugmobile-driving Green elites can signal their climate virtues?

The former resources minister said the government needed to tear up its $2bn energy agreement struck in January and instead built a new coal-fired power station in the Hunter Valley.

Partyroom sources say Senator Canavan was supported by Nationals MP Barnaby Joyce and Liberal MP Craig Kelly.

The Australian

Kelly in particular is an unapologetic global warming sceptic who isn’t afraid to take on the likes of the Climate Cult. But Kelly and Canavan are fighting a formidable bloc of Coalition “Wets” in wealthy inner-city electorates who seem more worried about winning the votes of the “doctor’s wives” than pursuing realistic energy policy – the kind that wins the rural and suburban electorates which deliver government.

Canavan is also reminding the government that energy policy is a national security issue. As he says, the federal government should get out of the Paris agreement, which only serves to enrich communist China to the cost of Western nations besotted by the Climate Cult. Worse, it’s pointless because it allows China, already the world’s worst carbon dioxide emitter, to keep on spewing out the greenhouse gas with impunity.

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