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Morrison Takes on the Dictators at Home

Yesterday, I challenged Australian PM Scott Morrison to take the lead in rescuing Australia from the clutches of little dictator premiers and public health bureaucrats. I doubt Morrison read my post, but, by a strange coincidence, he is finally finding something resembling a backbone.

Perhaps sensing that public patience with endless lockdowns is wearing thin, Morrison recently put forward a “roadmap” to re-opening Australia.

Predictably, Australia’s Little Hitlers are pushing back. The WA and Queensland premiers have openly stated that they’ll ignore the roadmap. The public health troughers are screeching their familiar doom-mongering propaganda about death’n’mayhem.

Laudably, Morrison is standing firm.

After six months of Anthony Albanese attacking Scott Morrison over a delayed vaccine rollout and the premiers blaming him for a lack of vaccines, the Prime Minister has hit back at both and emerged as the crusader for ending lockdowns and reopening the economy.

Morrison has challenged the premiers and Labor to support targets of 70 and 80 per cent for the reopening of borders, easing of social restrictions and freedom of business, and to accept that we “need to learn to live with the virus, not live in fear of it”.

After the Opposition Leader’s damaging attacks for the delayed vaccine rollout, criticism from both extremes about liberty and freedom and facing blame-shifting from the premiers for outbreaks, Morrison is seizing the relative recent success of vaccinations accelerating by the million and the proximity of actually reaching target vaccination levels of 70 and 80 per cent to launch his own campaign.

It is a pivotal political moment for the Morrison government and the fate of the national economy.

With the media shouting a foghorn chorus of propaganda, the Covid Dictators have — so far — terrified most of the population into compliance. But there are growing signs that public patience is wearing thin. Morrison, facing a federal election next year, is keeping an ear to the ground.

Morrison wants to emerge as the champion of opening up lives and the economy as the pall of the pandemic dulls the national psyche and depresses business.

Reopening is the goal, the dawn and the hope that Morrison is using as a new springboard to restart the Covid-19 health and political narratives and regain leadership momentum.

Morrison is also taking the stick to the opportunistic Labor leader.

As Albanese sided with the premiers about continuing to use daily Covid case numbers as a guide to continuing lockdowns, Morrison accused him of undermining the efforts to fight the pandemic and seeking to keep the economy shut.

Morrison declares that the premiers have struck a deal, they must stick to it, the equation on reopening society has changed because of vaccination levels and that he is determined to fight for the end of lockdowns.

“The national plan we have developed and agreed is our pathway to living with this virus. That is our goal, to live with this virus, not to live in fear of it. It is a plan based on the best possible scientific, medical and economic advice,” he said on Monday as he called on the public to back him and support the phased reopening nationally.

Josh Frydenberg warned in parliament that easing restrictions at the recommended targets would not mean the end of Covid cases, hospitalisations or indeed “tragic deaths”, but the Treasurer, who has warned the commonwealth can’t fund relief for states forever, said we could not continue living as we are.

The Australian

Naturally, the fear-mongers are ramping up the doomsday predictions. But then, they did the same in Britain before its “Freedom Day”.

Despite their apocalyptic rhetoric, Covid rates in Britain plummeted.

The last thing the lockdown dictators want is to see the country open up and live with Covid. Not only would their newfound unlimited power evaporate, but the hollowness of their “expert predictions” would be exposed for all to see.

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