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Mr Plod spies the goblins having a snowball fight. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

West Yorkshire Police sure have quite the track record. They couldn’t catch the Yorkshire Ripper even when one of their own PCs had him dead to rights. They politely ignored gangs of Muslims raping underage girls on an industrial scale for decades.

But snowball fights? They’re all over that faster than you can say, “You’re nicked”.

Two organisers of a mass snowball fight that saw hundreds of students gather in a park have been fined £10,000 each for breaching England’s lockdown rules.

Crowds gathered in Hyde Park, Leeds for more than two hours following heavy snow on January 14, despite Covid-19 guidance asking Britons to stay at home in a bid to control the virus.

Under current Government regulations, a gathering of more than 30 people is illegal in England and carries a maximum fine of £10,000.

When Joh Bjelke-Petersen banned public gatherings, it was damned as “fascist” and “police state”. When governments sentence entire countries to virtual house arrest, handcuff pregnant women in their homes and crack down on snowball fights, it’s just “the new normal”.

Two men, aged 20 and 23, were questioned yesterday and slapped with the heavy fines after being investigated by police probing the illicit gathering.

The 23-year-old had previously been fined for breaching restrictions at an address near the park in Leeds, West Yorkshire, in November, West Yorkshire Police said.

So, he’s a repeat Going Outside And Having Fun offender, then? Throw the book at ‘im, m’lud.

Chief Superintendent Damien Miller added: ‘We take absolutely no pleasure in handing out such heavy fines to these two young men but their actions encouraged hundreds of people to be in close proximity to each other, creating a significant and completely unnecessary risk of increasing the spread of the virus”.

The Fun Police can always rely on their loyal snitches.

‘We will continue our approach of engaging, explaining and encouraging compliance but we won’t hesitate to enforce the law where people blatantly disregard the rules and put others at risk.’

Liam Ford, who lives nearby, shot a brief video of the snowball fight after coming across the commotion while on a walk with his girlfriend[..]

‘I’ve really come to appreciate going for a walk and having that time, I think these people have abused that.’

The Daily Mail

Yes – how dare they have fun, enjoying a bit of traditional English winter frolicking?

Let them get away with this and next thing you know, they’ll start thinking they have some sort of right to leave the house and go to work.

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